This is one of the most entertaining games I have played as of late. Running around, blowing anything thing up with an incredible range of weapons. Anyone else have it? Also, if anyone has gotten the Achievement for Gaming with a Developer, let's play a bit
I like it alot Sweeney, so don't trash it till you've tried it. And no, I havn't gotten that achievement, and if you would like to play, wait a second and I will add you and in a few minutes we can play.
Yea, it's a great game, sorry about the repeat thread by the way, forgot to search before posting, my bad. If anyone has the Game with Developer achievement, let's please play abit together so I can grab that, thanks.
Hey guys, I have that achievement for playing with the developer. Shoot me an invite. I'm about to go out to a movie so you will have to wait for about 2 hours GT: Shatakai Also, anyone else who wants it just send me a FR