Alright so I am ALMOST to the katana and marathon helmet and one thing stands in my way... Campaign Scoring. If you have any tips of the fastest and easiest way to complete it, PLEASE share. It takes me forever and with six of the gold skulls on it is rather hard.... Thank you for all your help!
well i have the helm and katana and the way i did it was im pretty sure u have to put it on ffa score then i played on normal w/ all the skulls on and i had my lil bro play. so i had my bro sit in the back so when i die i would always respawn fast and i got all the kills. i think u could try it on easy but its better if u do it on normal.
This is actually really easy if you think about it: 1-Put it on legendary ( if your not good heroic ) 2-Make sure you have all skulls and turn at least 4 on 3-While Playing try to focus on headshots and stickies 4-Make sure you have it on individual scoring gl, with this I got easily way over 20,000 every game
yeah i usually average around 21,000 a game on normal with six skulls on.... it is just furstrating because my best friend is now the stick grenade.
You DO NOT need Legendary. I got all of them in Normal, with a partner, first try. Just know what skulls to place. And here's the deal, if you have it in Group Scoring, what matters is still your individual score which is displayed in the end of the mission. Chillin', while the other guy gets kills for the group counts towards him in the end, not you. I don't really remember the skulls I used to place since my bungie-deleted-all-my-stats-and-crap event. So, sorry on that part. And if you have a friend playing with you, just make sure that he's a good guy, that will let you get some points if you're needing them. Make sure his skill level isn't too superior than yours. You shoud be fine.
Yeah.... If anyone wants to help lemme know! I doubt you will but still.... I really want these achievements...
I'll help you play through the levels as you get the kills, cause I need to complete a few and get skulls.
I can help too if you need any more people, and like the others said, I did it on normal with only a couple of easy skulls on. Send me a FR
I was able to get them, quite easily in fact. Just make sure that you play by yourself, otherwise others will steal your points. I did it on normal with only 3 skulls on, and got at least a 2x for each level. Bingo.
Trust me, doing it alone is much, much easier. You are able to do it on a lower difficulty without worrying about people taking crucial points (chieftains, vehicles, etc.) that they would have to do if they wanted to help beat the level quicker.
oooh I HATE famine.... I use six and the ones i don't use are famine, iron, and the one to the right of Iron lol....