Well since I recently opening of a group called We Who Believe cake/believe art has been something I've been trying to make a bit of. So I'm just opening up a thread to post it. This isn't a C n C thread, seeing as I already know everything i've ever made is crap. Just wanted to post some art, and you guys can go out and make some and post it here too . Don't Stop Believing. Ok I love this one but I love it. I hate it because its horrible. I did some nice effects, but together they're just crap. But it is Journey. How could you go wrong? If someone could get a good version of this, it be great. but this was the best i could do XD. I wanted the stuff to look... different. came out pretty strange. but good nonetheless. Simple, good, cake. You may not like it, but if that's true than no one probably cares about your opinion anyway.
The Journey one is terrible (I love Journey though) and on the second one there is a little line of Earth below the sig.
Yea, the little line below the second one is a little annoying, might want to rid yourself of that. The bottom one looks pretty cool though.