ok...please, as i have no idea on how you made it in 5 minutes, record your next sig with the program www.jing.com its free screen recording software If you remember, paranormal used it to record his tutorial...please record it and post a tut on one of your newer, more advanced sigs...thanks! also, great sig, dont really like the "base" though...
Fail... Link=Dead... why not just use camstudio or hypercam.. anyone else know any free screen recording?
FIXED LINK HERE \/ Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows. also, camtasia and camstudio give less quality recordings...also, this got featured on lifehacker..
yeah, the left space is missing something, but i don' know what, oh well. And about the text, sometimes sigs just look better with out text, imo.
The transition to the white seems too harsh and the cutoff point is to straight. Other than that great job, I really like the stuff on his arms. =)
It's a great signature. If it isn't too much to ask, would you create a tutorial on how it was made so it can be added to Forge Hub's Tutorial Database?
Really nice, but it looks too pink, the red isn't saturated enough. I also aggree with Lord Terrax on the cut off point.
It looks amazing. Did you use smudging and then some filters? If so, it looks sweet. I'd reccomend keeping with this style for a long time.
looks awesome but i would maybe put the logo in the the top left corner. idk either way it looks good
Lock thats great.The firey effect on the edges of him are amazing.You got even better while I was gone.I could see you and others that are skilled like you make a living out doing that for some company or something.Keep it up =)
Dude... Thats the first GoW sig that ive really like... And the neg space on the left doesnt look bad imo... Just looks like a light source...