Halo 3 Ghosts?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XED360X, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    Do You Think Halo 3 Ghosts Are Real?

    I Didnt But Know I Have Seen Two And No Its Not Some One Throwing One Over A Wall I Have The Footage On Halo 3.

    The first time i was playing a game called duck hunt and i get killed but you only have one life so i am watching my body and there apears a bubble shield a bought 20 seconds later.... Wierd i thought.

    The second time me and my freind were messing around on fondry in forge and one apears from no were and dosnt disapear and keeps on reaspawning.

    Link for Video number one : Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Link for video number two : Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    know do you belive....?

    My Screenshots! :http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-screenshots/33179-my-screenshots.html
  2. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    No, there are no ghosts in Halo 3. It's all in your vision, your screen, and smoke from explosions. Someone asked an employee about this, and he replied no.
  3. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    I have a very wierd vid on my fileshare. A mongoose decides to not let me ride it. Then, it drives away, only to come drifting back, stoping right next to me, as if taunting me. I tried getting back on, but it vanished.
  4. theshay7486

    theshay7486 Ancient
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    first off random bubble shields, nades are equipment arent what id call a ghost. more or less a random error. a ghost is more like something ud see in halo 2 aka the ghost of lockout (youtube it) in this case yes there is, ive seen the video. bungie probably doesnt want to address it because it is an error in code. when someone joins a game and lags out sometimes there we be a coding error in which there body is still there but the gamers gone. then it takes on some ai and kills people. how to tell if a ghost isnt a fake is if it seems to slide when its walking, like its feet does move but the ghost is. also ghost will seem to have auto tracking plasma nades, like they will be facing ur opposite direction and hit you anyway. and there are confirmed halo 3 ghost on youtube, search it. it has happend on blackout (ironically) and foundry. as well as others.
  5. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    The ghosts are nothing more than modified content. They are just people playing around. There is no AI for multiplayer Halo so it is impossible that a "ghost" would be able to kill people. Only stand still. Sometimes weird things happen because of bad lag but anything along the lines of a ghost is just not true.
  6. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    just out of interest...to anyone who has seen some shenanigans going on, were you in the right state of mind while playing halo? not off your head?
  7. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    It's probably just lagg.

    I think it's just the game ****ing with you, and you placed a Bubble Shield and it came out later because of the epic fail lagg.
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    This is kinda like the Ghosts of Lockout/ Blackout (there were versions for both) that were alredy proven to be done by lagging, and messing around with your connection, i.e. standby button on your router and crap.
    I'm not acusing you of modding, or anything, but I'm pretty sure someone was experiencing some intense lag.

    I really don't know how it's done, but there aren't real ghosts in Halo. Everything r gun to McDonalds. Don't worry.
  9. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    It would be cool if bungie did this as an easter egg like the guardians in halo 2 but its prolly just an error. I want to believe its just not there.
  10. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Lag, upon which the character (Ghost) joins the game and the lag makes them appear a usually Default color. It also makes them move as if they are just standing and facing one way the whole time.

    The lag would've eventually been somewhat fixed and the player would appear normal again if u just gave it some time.
  11. mistabig123

    mistabig123 Ancient
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    Their isnt any ghosts on halo 3 its just lag
  12. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    dont post like that, actually post somthing, if you read at all, its already been said

    But a while back i was a CO-Leader of an ghost-hunting clan
    we had extinsive information ghosts on ALL maps and we had a mod, he looked into h3 and found ai codes in multiplayer

    some may think its just the birds around guardian, but these codes were very similer to elites and spartans. so i beleive that they do exist, and maybe cause the lag
  13. DaRK FiOS

    DaRK FiOS Ancient
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  14. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    ForgeHub is very strict with rules here, please be careful on what you post, and how you post. Posts should be thought out, and on-topic. Otherwise you can talk spam in the flood.

    Continuing the subject, I found that if there is any ghosts, it's been modded into the game by hackers, fortunately, only on Custom Games.
  15. AngryNoiseDude

    AngryNoiseDude Ancient
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    I had a weird ghostly happening, I'm sure it was lag and such. But it still freaked me out.

    So anyways, my brother is forging on Blackout, Local, so I join in by plugging in a controller, and signing in, as my character appears ingame, we hear a death cry and go look around, I spawned next to him on the large sniper tower, and we found a blue body, not a red one like mine next to the lift, in about the same position you'd land if you jumped into the lift.

    Anyways, it had default armor and colors, Ie, blue armor due to it being on blue team with green details, it had my symbol, which at the time was the Mark of Shame, so we go into theater and look at the event.

    When I join the body appears standing, then dies nearly instantly, funny thing is, before it dies, it has a 7 Symbol, then as it dies the symbol turns into mine, the Mark of Shame. Pretty weird IMO.

    I think it was just lag, but it was cool anyways. I'll get a vid if you guys want.
  16. Vycious159

    Vycious159 Ancient
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  17. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    No such thing dude. Ghosts in Halo 3? Beyond the vehicle... no.
  18. Vycious159

    Vycious159 Ancient
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  19. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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  20. Xtreeme

    Xtreeme Ancient
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    I think it is real but not a ghost - just somthing weird going on in are matches - ive had a few and i recomend you download these Videos

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