The lone warehouse of Foundry. Abandoned, and disowned. Throughout the years, many travelers have left many items, ranging from weapons to life-saving technology, until one fateful day, a madman used it to house an immense supply of fusion coils and propane tanks. One lone Firebomb grenade was all it took... All right, enough of the cheesy "backstory" lol. This was an idea of mine that came out after experimenting with my Volcano idea. (still working on a multiplayer map based around it. All I've got right now is the DMC) I learned how to make things float/fall upon starting, so I experimented around and learned that fusion coils and propane tanks fall and explode on contact. And that lead to another idea. Now personally, I love chaos maps. I think that as long as the players aren't assholes, chaos maps are extremely fun, and this is what we have here. A map filled with Fusion Coils and propane tanks exploding and flying everywhere, with mancannons and teleporters to add to the fun, it's pure madness. Now, if you can stay alive amongst the chaos long enough, you'll find a wide variety of weapons spread across the floor ranging from swords to snipers to the Spartan Laser and beyond. However, the majority of the battle will be trying to capture the coveted Custom Powerup which looms above the chaos. The Custom Powerup provides full immunity from everything except assassination for roughly 90 seconds, so grabbing it is extremely helpful when attaining kills through the madness. Grabbing it is no easy task, however. In order to reach the coveted powerup, you will need to climb the "Stairway to Heaven...kinda" (name pending, lol) and fall through into the teleporter. Not an easy task, considering there are fusion coils spawning within 5 feet of the stairway, but well worth the trek, well, if you can succeed. And if you can succeed, the reward will be great. Noone will be able to touch you, Epic was thought up by me, however, it was designed by TheOmnigamer (me) wHIteY9153 Buttnoid and Spark7417 The name was thought up as a group, because none of us could think of any other way to name it. It's Epic. Enough said, Link to map Link to game variant Also, as kind of a disclaimer, because of all of the fusion coils, ect. this map has lag. Especially when playing over Xbox live. Personally, it doesn't bug me because I'm usually having too much fun to notice, but kind of a forewarning. Well anyway, enjoy. ^_^
I like this, its always nice to have a hectic map that you can just chill in with a lot of people and not have to care whos winning or whatever.
Thanks. I used to have it set up where the custom powerup was right in the middle of the field, but that got pretty rediculous when everyone on the field had invulnerability X_X. I also figured that sense it was such a broken item, it should be difficult to reach. And believe me, it is now,
Its easy, choose the 'steel' colour for games where there is no fixed colour, or in some games u may change a fixed colour to black, e.g. forge for example.
I don't like it. It really doesn't look like it is much fun. All it is, is some fusion cores and teleporters.
This looks moderately fun. I'll check it out sometime to see if I like the weapon placement and all that.
Many maps have falling coils or death pits...what makes this original? Rather than reworking an old concept, I recommend finding a niche that no one else has touched upon. You'll get better recognition that way, and the community will be better off. Also, this map, from the screenshots, looks sloppy. Not saying it is, it'd be unfair to claim that without playing it. But from the shots you took, it looks like it took little time to design or execute.
Listen man, Your map looks cool.. I downloaded it already. Don't let all these Forge haters get you down man.. Obviously they don't realize that there are millions of people that are forging maps, So to come up with one that is "original" or to find your "nitch" just isn't going to happen.. There will be duplicates and there will be maps that look or feel the same.. It all depends on how you represent it and how you feel about it. So keep on forging! Support your fellow Forgers.. Download a map! Hey.. Way to modify my post without actually saying who modified it.. Coward. EDIT: Hey, I don't know who edited your post the first time, but I can guarantee you that if you modify a mod's edits you'll be gone like tomorrow. Congrats for joining the "to be watched" list. -Lance
This don't look bad. I have a map that looks just like this that I posted in competitive maps by accident instead of casual so it got buried. Check it out if you like,it has fusion cannons! Bombs Away! EDIT: Please, no advertising your map in others' threads. This isn't -Lance
Heh, don't worry about that man. I know I thought of this idea on my own, so as original, or as unoriginal as it may or may not be, me and my friends have a blast on it, and really that's all that matters. You can't expect to satisfy everyone. Especially everyone on the internet. I just figured I'd show this one off for you all to check out, and to decide for yourselves if the map lives up to it's name, haha.
Lance, I occasionally see your reply's and edits and most of the time they seem to be negative. Why is that? Is it your job to be the point-out-others-shortcomings-moderator? I'm not trying to be a ****,but you seem to have some kind of a chip on your shoulder, Lighten up man! I can see where you are coming from on the "map on others thread" thing, but I was recommending it to him,which doesn't hurt anybody,but for the future I will just PM that kinda stuff. As far a Paralyzed King, what did he do? Somebody modified his post and as far as I know it's only moderators that can do that. Correct me if I am wrong and I'll shut up,but you have been the only moderator on this forum post so what is the guy supposed to think? I know him personally and someone changed his post to say he was a noob and lost his shoes or something. Funny I might say,but also childish for a moderator.