I was bored at work a few days ago so i made a group on Bungie.net. Ive seen other machinma makers kinda grow into somewhat big communities by starting off here, so i thought id give it a go also. I wanna have a place were I can organize stuff like actors for my upcomming machinimas, or help with other stuff, just, idk. Stuff. So join now (so bungie wont delete it in 60 days or so) and we will try to make the most epicest movies out there for everyone here to enjoy, if you got some ideas then go ahead and post em there too. I just wanna try it out, see how things work out, itll probably end up in fail by next month anyways.... Bungie.net : DrawingToochFilms : Group Home Ill be posting upcoming video summaries that we have started working on recently, and im looking for qualified members to help out with the Halo 3 acting. ...and since im the "admin" of that little shenanigan, ill be promoting you if I think your cool enough ...**** you if you think im abusing my mod powers" =P
you only had 2 other members so I joined. But I might quit if I get bored. most of my friends play fat-kid and I don't like matchmaking so it's a small chance that I will.
Its cool man, I will be updating it as soon as I get more free time. What im aiming for though is more machinima oriented, but yeah, i can set up some customs every now and then if we get enough people to join. Now if you'll excuse me, i have peoples visitor messages to spam *runs off to bug people to join*
How could you refuse to a proposition like that? amiright? Its almost as if you are forced to join, isnt it?
Yes. Quite. It's like there's an obligation when you posted it. Something along the lines of, "Join or I'll ****ing kill you." Anywho, when/what will we be doing?
Wells, ive been secretly working on a few machinimas here and there but aren't really near to completion, the one I mainly wanna get done already though I need about 6 actors or so. Im basically just hopeing the site will become a place were me, or any other Machinima directors to get ahold off or plan out there stuff with other people. Maybe become like a small community outside of Forgehub and blah blah blah. you get what i mean dog?
babe, honestly its sooo annoying when you, or anybody, replies to every single post in their thread. Get off forgehub for 15 minutes and allow people to even post in the thread without you right there to see it 10 seconds after they did come take up your time by kissing me instead. i'd really enjoy that. But yes yes the group, everyone join
Frak U bish >:[ No sexy time for you Oops I did it again ....fine ill stop. Just note that the last one I was being IMFORMATIVE though, just to let people know a bit more.
*Th Kn1ght clicks "join Group"* Joined! Now your group will be epic win! =p Well all I can say is good luck lolz... That would be uber sick if you became the next Machinma making group. Like the next BIG machinima group anyways.
Um... what kind of machinimas will you be making? And what sort of schedule would it be made on? Do you need someone who can help regularly, or is it okay if a person (by which I mean me) barely does anything due to schedule conflicts? Oh, and by the way: O rly?
One can only hope :] Atm, im trying to get a "music video story" type machinima over with alredy, Its alredy half way done just need a few good samaritans to help out for the epic battle that is supposed to take place. No schedule at the moment though, when the time comes I will post in the B.net group with more details. Its more of a, if your online when im online then I will ask for your help kinda thing. also, on a side note, everyone check out the article section, I spent like a whole hour writing that thing on the left column
I guess either a certain amount of people have to join or something, or they have to become active maybe, idk. Back in the day, the probation asked for only 4 people to join and become somewhat active, idk what the limit is now though so everyone, JOIN NAO!!!!
*joined* I have a capture card, but was too lazy to finish any work on it. P.S. My username on there is Super Bungie Rep.
I joined because I was really bored, soooo... if you ever need any map sets I might be able to make some or somethin.