Okay, so let's say for example I'm making a house. Say I want to give someone the ability to lock the door to this house, and unlock it at any given time. Sure, I could go out and create something extremely complex, like a machine that uses dumpsters, gravlifts, and fusion coils, but that's just way too impractical for what I am trying to do. Say the person inside this house wanted to leave, so he would unlock the door, and it would stay unlocked until he returned, where he would be able to lock the door back when he has made it back inside. I've thought of the idea of placing a larger movable object to block the door, but I honestly am just not throwing a grav hammer to move it with into the fray because they are just incredibly obnoxious. I will probably eventually come up with something, but if anybody has any ideas in the mean time that would be great. Just something simply, practical, and that would look clean. thx for any help!
Not sure if it's even possible. Though I can see why it would be helpful. Perhaps if halo 4 is confirmed, and should it have forge, that'd be something to suggest to bungie. And openable door. I do have a thoght though... but you'd only be able to close it once, and then re-open it once before it respawns. Of course you know of the classic form of stopping a dumpster from being thrown by a grav lift, With a custom power up.My thought is do that, But have a deployable grav lift that you throw at the dumpster to make it fly up when you want to open it back up. May be kinda hard to get right, but don worry bout it. If you don't like this idea, You don't have to use it, Just a suggestion, but it's the best I can come up with.
I could do this for you if you want it wouldnt be to hard heres a link of one type of door you could use if this isnt what you are looking for I could make a door basicly however you want it for you
I've got a door that you can do that with. I made it ages ago and everyone on B.net accused me of stealing it from Iguana-something-something. Now that I actually know some advanced forging techniques, I know that my map is a baby map in terms of complexity. Iguanas map was made using min/max junk. Mine was made using a portable gravlift. Theyre really not that symilar aside from using a dumpster. Hold on, I'll link to it. BODDy! Tutorial [with images, so its in a spoiler as to not stretch the page or whatever] Spoiler BODDy - BlackOut99s Dumpster Door...y BODDy Parts - What you need to make this door. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8. BODDy Completed! The only problem is that that's an old map (and the big thing in the middle, ignore that and go to the fence wall one). Replace the man cannon with a scenery grav lift, then the door will stay open untill you destroy the grav lift. on top. You can still destroy the portable one, and the door stays open, just untill you destroy the top one. Have the top one respawn after ten secconds, and then you can go open the door again. Building the door out of fence walls means you can still shoot the gravlift from underneath the door, so no climbing up the top for you. =P Hope that was helpful.
To make a lockable unlockable door use tele doors with fusion coils blocking the receiver and make a custom power spawn to knock away the fusion coils blocking the receiver then you pick up the custom power up then the fusion coils respawn blocking the tele again.
I have a couple problems with the deployable grav lift to activate the door is abuse, the grav lift will most likely be used for other things than what it is supposed to be used for such as breaking the map Fallenrat has the right idea. I forgot that I made a switch like that a while ago, a little complex but it would work great for what you want, I never posted it here but I did on a diferent site so heres the link If you need help building anything Im glad to help my gamertag is goatnuts420
You could make it using soccer balls because you can flip them just like a vehicle. No-one else would know about it. You could somehow make the soccer balls push a fusion coil which could open a door.