
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by sangheili dude, Sep 1, 2008.


whacha think?

  1. 1/5 abysmal

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2/5 bad

  3. 3/5 averige

  4. 4/5 good

    0 vote(s)
  5. 5/5 great

    0 vote(s)
  1. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    [size=12pt]Minirena [/size]
    Created by sangheili dude

    a small arena designed for 1 v 1 one battles up to 4 player FFA, it has two levels and is almost symmetrical in spawns, the ground level consist of brs, carbines, plasma rifles, an smg, spiker's and a mauler (20 second 2 clip), the 1st level has a weapon holder with a fuel rod gun (rockets are overpowered for this map) with 120 second respawn, behind where you come into the second level theres a needler and near that are two pistols.

    Way in front of where you enter the 1st level is a regenerator and around is the usual weapons br, carbine, plasma rifles and spikers but more smgs, behind the needler is an oversheild which has 180 second respawn. On the ground floor theres an entrance to the sniper tower, to get to it follow that path, then go up the man cannon, then pick up a grav lift to a suitable place, then your in it , to get back out you just go from where you came, the sniper also has 120 second spawn and it has 1 spare clip, the space for the person to snipe is not blocked by boxes but by teleporters so if you fuel rod jump you will teleport above the middle to escape it impossible. the map i say has good interlocking to seperate the floors and fence walls (because i ran out of walls) prove a good place to lower sheilds then finish off when the enemy comes to you.

    When you go up the stairs on one of the fusion coils is a power drain which you can throw downstairs (inspiered off ghost town) but if you opponent throws a grenade your pretty much screwed. on the top floor theres some assault rifle ammo if you ran out and you still wanna use it. The box ring on the lower floor is interlocked but the other two rings arnt but your still fine. i know i aint done a perfect job with the sniper tower (since im not the best person to geomecrticly merge objects).

    Any problems, constructive critisism, flaws, bugs and anything good about the map please feel free to say and i'll will try to deal with it on my next map.

    Base: ___-.Foundry

    Supported Gametypes:

    • Slayer
      Custom Gametype(s)

    before the battle of earth this arena was only on level so they practice war
    against other humans but since the human covenant war started and spartans were born humans needed to improve some more, so they used stolen covenant weapons and equipments and used their own stuff and made their areana two levels and fitted it with a sniper tower.


    yes stangly i did use the unlimited budget glitch, although it dosent look like it, if you dont belive me go on forge on his map.

    only one thing is geometricly merged and that the stairs but its only the bottom
    slice of it

    most of the sniper tower is floating

    sorry for no action pic i did play with a freind but i must of played too many other games and i lost the film.

    if it still says base map constuct
    then blame the post generator for
    not saying foundry

    if the pics are broke then click this link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Screenshots
    if the link fails then go to my sevice record and then go to player
    serch then serch for sangheili dude
    then go to my high res screenshots,
    the ones to look for are slayer 001,slayer 002,
    slayer003,slayer 004,slayer 005 and slayer006

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn
    [ ___ ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    #1 sangheili dude, Sep 1, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  2. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alot of things were crooked or did you mean to have it like that? anyway the interlocking is 3/5 and the layout is 3.5/5 so I give this a 6/10
  3. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks very sloppy, you could make the objects straighter. But I like the design, and that you've merged many thing so it looks good. Sorry I can't download it right now, but I will try it out as soon as I can. So I can't really rate it :p. But nice map overall, could fix some objects in a v2.
  4. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ye as i kinda mencioned im not that great at all those advanced forging stuff this was only a practice map i'll try harder in v2
  5. BlueMasterChief

    BlueMasterChief Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pics are boroken
  6. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    pics fixed sorry i deleted them off my photobucket pics thinking they would still be appearing on here

    ZAXLAX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have one major question, was the sniper tower and stairs really supposed to be so crooked. Also what is in the middle of the map. I think you should have added a few more pictures. The map was quite sloppy. 5/5
  8. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no as i already said im still trying to work on better geo merging and floadting
  9. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe before making a map, you should test some of the forging techniques and try to master them. Once you are good at them then, you can make a good map with no crooked parts and it will look neat.

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