Today i begin work on my remake of beaver creek and battle creek inside foundry, any ideas to vamp-it-up? ;D
LOLZ, i think he means "amp-it-up," or make it "super awesome," Better than it already is basically... I personally abhorred those maps, I have no ideas. However, I can almost guarantee that the community will be outraged if you "vamp up" any part of it. Stay as true as possible to the original and/or its remake, and they'll be happy. Try anything outrageous, and you're soul is condemned. Just a word of advice. =P
with how easy it is now from what I've heard to float objects, that shouldn't be too hard. But I think the idea will be very difficult to accomplish. Especially since Beaver Creek was out doors. The Foundation and Warlock remakes have it easy. Plus won't you just have to call it "Grunty" becuasethere is no creek? lol ;D
i know i cant do the underground parts but much of the same look and feel has been accomplished, its not perfect but it should play around the same, and yes u get to use man-cannons in it