Sept 11th

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Paulie Walnuttz, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Too bad my intentions were not to disrupt the discussion.

    Oh, and GJ guys for neg repping me for having my own opinions about the (pointless) war.
    GoodWhaleSushi likes this.
  2. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    well dipshit, whatever country you are from, what would they do if terrorists killed 3000 innocent civilians???? leave george bush alone, when 9/11 happend, everybody would hate him, and give him so much crap and not re-elect him if we didnt take action, but now everybody is bitching about removing our troops, its not that simple, you cant just pull everybody out, the country would self destruct, and iran would have free reign of the middle east. besides, did you approve of saddam testing gasses on people, etc.

    whatever you think, 3000 innocent people died, so shut your ****ing mouth, just for today, at least,
  3. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Ha ha, too bad I didn't negative rep you.


    You didn't attempt to dissuade the discussion from 9/11, huh? Then was there any reason for "Americans love to play victim" post then?

    You're trolling, leave the topic.
  4. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I think I can say with confidence that Canada wouldn't go on and on about it like it forever changed us, go invade Afghanistan to fish out the leader of said attack, and hell, Iraq too why not, ruin, and then try to rebuild said countries.

    All while having a modest body count total in the countless of thousands.

    *waits for rep to plummet to quadruple red bar*

    EDIT: If people can do it to me, then why can't I do it to people I disagree with? Seems fair.

    Yes, I was mentioning I believed America was being oversensitive about the attacks. Attacks = 9/11. 9/11 = 9/11.
  5. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    You're treating the thousands that died in 9/11 as if they didn't matter. The war is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    Man, you sure like to play victim, don't you?
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Oh noz D=
    -rep :,(

    We -repped you for the same reason the families of those who died on that day would slap you, cause you sir, are and idiot.

    Get over, and stop acting so immature... I can't -rep you again until I spread more rep, lucky you.
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I think I can say with confidence that Canada couldn't do anything anyway.

    Ah now I'm trollin'
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    we still love you


    and now we have completely gone off topic due to the rantings of a fool... or something...

    Also, Something. Not only Americans died in this. They were the WORLD Trade Centers. World man, they attacked the world, not just us.
  9. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    oh, but it would change canada forever, because 3000 people would be half your population, and of course you wouldnt invade another country, your army is like 5 jets 50 people with outdated M16-A1's that america pawned to you, and 1 WWII era landing ship.

    "All while having a modest body count total in the countless of thousands."

    9/11 body count: thousands
    Jimbodawg likes this.
  10. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Not trolling, just pure ignorance.

    For one, Canada doesn't have nearly as much worldwide influence as the U.S., which in turn means that they have far fewer enemies than the U.S. The chances of a massive terroristic threat in Canada are slim to none.

    And the 9/11 attacks forced the U.S. to take action and search for Bin Laden in Afghanistan for the same reason why Pearl Harbor got us into WWII. Is anyone questioning that winning WWII for the Allies and helping to wrest control from the homocidal Nazis was anything but the correct choice?

    As a nation, you can't sit back, shrug it off, and say that it won't happen again. If we don't take action to destroy terrorism, to stop people for killing for no other reason than to bring fear and tension, then how will we know that they won't keep attacking. They don't think like "normal people", they care nothing for the loss of human life, and if we didn't take action then it is reasonable to assume that they'd believe us to be helpless against their threats.

    There is no bargaining with terrorists. Nationalists may be violent for the greater good of their country, but sheer terrorism in its natural state is done to (in the words of the Joker) introduce chaos and wreak havok without much else of a motive.

    If your father died at the WTC (NOT using myself as an example, just saying), I guarantee (bet my life, swear to whatever the hell you want me to swear to) that you'd want revenge against those who found their pleasure in killing such an innocent man. I don't care if you talk about 9/11 even though you're from Canada, but don't take that sort of "it's no big deal" attitude.

    Yes many people die every day. A large percentage of those people die from old age or from their own faults (drug abuse, drunk driving, etc). A smaller percentage die from unfortunate illnesses that they've had for a while and therefore have had time to prepare. An even smaller percentage are freak accidents, and these are what shock our nation the most. No preparation, no warning, just unspeakable shock. That's what 9/11 was.

    Enough of a rant, I've had enough.

    More ignorance.

    Canada didn't do anything wrong, and it's not necessarily bad that they have a smaller population and less military power than the U.S. In fact, this is something that might help the nation in the long run, not getting sucked into a global conflict and not having to deal with overpopulation issues.

    Just because you don't like someone from Canada doesn't mean you need to go off on a blind, unfounded, unnecessary, and ignorant rant against the country. There are plenty of Canadians who sympathise with us concerning 9/11, so don't go yelling at all of 'em for no good reason.

    /ridiculously long post
    Fbu likes this.
  11. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Something, would you kindly shut the **** up?
    You know damn well that if you were a US citizen all your life that you'd actually be appreciating our military's respect for their country enough to risk and possibly lose their lives. That's true dedication and courage right there, and if I could, I'd be in the war right now risking my life.
    Hell, I'm in the AJROTC at the moment preparing myself for anything to appreciate my country. I don't know why you have to treat this with such a negative outlook, and don't give me that 'because I'm Canadian' bullshit, we're allied with you right now. Appreciate what we do and understand why we'd go to war.

    Just take back what you said, and possibly we'll forgive your comments.
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  12. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    You said that America is responsible, yet less that 1/3 of the population supports the war and the people who started it. Saying that you disapproved of Bush's actions would be an opinion. Blaming an entire people is not an "opinion," it is bigotry, plain and simple.
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    To everyone who posts in this thread:

    This thread dedicated to the people who lost their lives on September 11th, and to start an argument on here is just disappointing and disrespectful. This is not a thread to express your beliefs on war, or military, or anything else. I think we can all agree that no one deserved to die. I have not met a person yet who thinks the attacks were practical or necessary. The one thing it did show us, is how quickly or unexpectedly your life can end. So appreciate what you have, because you might not have it for too much longer.
  14. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    STFU, if a terrorist attacked your country and killed thousands would it be a big deal?
  15. zeusthegoose365

    zeusthegoose365 Ancient
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    Now to get back on the dang topic..... It was eight days after my birthday, and I was all happy and gleeful. Then the plane crashed into the Twin Towers and I had no clue what happened. I was in kindergarden, yes kindergarden. And it was nap time then all of a sudden our teacher woke us up and 20 minutes later our parents kept taking us out of school for no reason I thought back then. Then about 2 years later I finally got what happened on 9/11.
    Also, is it just a quincidence that 9/11 is the same as the phone number 911?

    Today, take a moment of silence and pray for those who lost their lives seven years ago.
  16. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    today at my school we had 4 moments of silance, one for every time a plane was crashed
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    You know what's depressing? We never once had a moment of silence the whole day of school. I guess that would be "too controversial".
  18. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Exactly. I bet he's gonna blow **** up on his last day in office.
    Guys, I don't support Something (The member), it WAS tragic, but stop targeting the iraqis here. They didn't do ****.
    You do know how easy it is to hypnotize/manipulate somebody, don't you?
    You were told what they wanted you to think, and you believed it. It's that easy.
    The government are awfully good at that.

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