
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Picceta, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Spark

    Spark Ancient
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    OMG GEOMERGING KING ALL HAIL PICCETA KING OF GEOMERGING lol best ive ever seen! 6/5 lol love the gameplay to A++ for you lol ty for the map great job
  2. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    the bunkers are sexy, bro there beautifully merged and interlocking in every way, i played a game of muti flag and it was very unquie, i honestly love the little bases in the hills very nice, the bridge in the middle works well and i like that you put powerups the the walls for base colors, i dont see that much in foundrys default walls, i think this deserves a feature, very unquie, great job on another great map.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
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    Holy ****.... is a good way to describe my reaction to this. Just wow. From the pics, it looks like you used 100 double boxes. This map is so innovative. I love the bunker it is awesome and the hills are flawless. This and Sereny should be featured honestly...
    I want to say more about this map but I just don't know... amazing job. Keep up the awesome forging.
  4. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Haven v2 by Picceta

    The map is very cool. I like the whole two opposing hills with a bunker embedded into each hillside. The sheer scale of the hills is also very impressive. They literally go as high as bungie will let us and there is no way you will escape this map. Now considering the two giant hills and their smoothness. You did a really good job, its not perfect i did bump around a little bit but it was much better than i first expected. The hills are largely smooth and the rest of the map follows in much the same way. On a note of player movement many of the transitions, movement between different areas, is very good and is no great effort. It would have killed this map if moving from the hill to bunker and walkways was bumpy but its very smooth so the map holds up nicely.

    The bunkers to me feel very World War 2 and i like it cause that means they are big and imposing. Im sorry but i had to move the turret inside the bunker, when i was gonig over the map, just to see if it was possible and then i found that the bunker walls are too high for turrets and i was sad :( but at the same time happy :) because it would have been so cool yet so rediculously overpowering to have the turrets inside the bunkers. I know many people have said and will say the turrets are too overpowering but any player with a BR will be able to drop someone on the turret and both bases do have them. Its not like only 1 side has a turret. Personally myself i would remove them not because they might be overpowered but because i think the map would just be more fun without them.

    I like the weapon placement, there might be two camo's and an overshield but this level is gonig to play so frantically that the powerups will not that too much impact on a game. Same goes for the power weapons. Winning on this map is going to come down to good use of the Regenerator combined with the BR, Carbine and understanding how and why to burst fire with the AR. For those who think im talking rubbish you have a AR fight accross the two hills one bursting and one full auto the results speak for themselves.

    Im not going to talk to much about spawns a lot has been said in this thread already about them. Spawn camping is probably going to happen a bit but it really should not be too bad. Unfortunately the layout of the level itself although being quite cool lends itself to spawn camping so good job on what you have done to make it as minimal as possible. People should not make such a big deal out of it on this level it is not as bad as it might first appear from the pictures.

    The main problem with the map if i had to call one would be bottom middle. It is a deathtrap if someone sees you down in there. I sat down to try and think how you could fix it and it was a bit of a head scratcher. The item limit can be a real pain. I have had an idea though. Delete the two barrels to the side of the bunkers outside the shield doors, i do not feel they add anything to the map and delete the Mongooses, reason for this is although it is cool to drive around the hills i think this map has a focus on foot combat and they are expendable in my opinion. This gives you 4 objects to play with and 4 crates or dumpsters in bottom middle would make it a much more viable to place to go and would allow more of the map to become more important. Just a suggestion though take it or leave it as you choose.

    Also as i am sure you probably know Regenerator platform on A side has the open corner of a double box showing slightly which grenades will get lost into so careful grenading in there and do not try to grenade to where the grav lifts are as there is a gap on both sides by grav lifts.

    I like the uniqueness of this map. I saw it first when you released v1 but i actually overlooked it and did not bother to download. Now i like the map and i am glad Pegasi asked me to have a look at it. Its really cool and i do think that many people will see this and use it as inspiration for their own bunker/hill style maps. Shame on me for ignoring v1.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  5. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Geo Merging and Interlocking r amazing... i can tell this took lots of work...
    design is really nice can tell it took forever..
    but the weapon layout wasnt great all that work just need to perfect the weapon...
    and now a v.2 with a much less overpowering weapon layout i have not over looked this one as i did b4 i have seen it in action n must say this SHAL BE FUN
    nice work and
  6. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Wow thanks Sentinel :]

    The turrets seemed ok to me, it seemed a shame not to have turrets on a map like that, I wanted it to play like standoff, with the middle being more open but with more opportunities (Overshield/Rockets etc). But Machine Gun Turret seemed overpowered so I think plasma is alright, like you said, can easily be killed so I guess it works :]

    I considered putting more cover down below but in all honesty, there's not much point, people just throw grenades making it useless lol. There are 2 Bubble Shields down there to be used, trucks for cover. Too much cover leads to peek-a-boo scenarios.

    Wasn't really going for a WW2 appearance but can sorta see what you mean. Was trying to make them sort of like the bunker on High Ground. To have different entrances but defendable at the same time.

    Anyway, really glad you like it :]

    Everyone else thanks also ^.^

    Anymore feedback is welcome, btw anyone know how I can change the topic title to V2? I changed it but it doesn't seem to be showing up =/

  7. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    Wow, this map is perfect in everyway, the interlocking is perfect, geo-merging is AMAZING, design is unique and this mustve took a lot of patience. I have to dl this, this map is so diffrent- in a good way
  8. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks dude, glad ya like it. Sorry for late reply, was out of town..

    Anymore comments for the V2? Like how did it play? Feedback appreciated.

  9. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    this is a very good map. its very, very good looking. and the gameplay is awsome. i think its good enough to be featured.

    i wouldnt have had the patience to make this
  10. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks, and yeah I was sorta hoping for a feature but I don't think I'll get it, oh well, I'm trying again with my next map.

    Anymore comments for the V2 would be appreciated, helps me balance my next map better :]

  11. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    whats new on v2 then?
  12. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Weapons, spawn points etc.

    Basically it's been rebalanced. The weapon list is in the first post, it's been toned down quite a bit.

  13. dckilla96

    dckilla96 Ancient
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    amazing.....just amazing
  14. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    Wow, it looks like bunkerhill, but outside and doesn't look like ****.
  15. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    like everyone else had said...wow, thats an awsome lookign map with the two slopes covering the map. Looks like a real fun map to play on. ill download for you 5/5
  16. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    I remember checking this map out with a few friends and i have just a few suggestions. The mongoose could be moved from the base to the nook made out of fences as could the sniper. Don't like the shield doors as on most maps they mean camping but thats not a big problem. Otherwise, amazing map great aesthetics flawless geomerging this must have taken forever.

    5/5 great map my friend
  17. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    could you add some more pictures to your thread so we can get a better view of the map. I would really appreciate it!

    JASONYO Ancient
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    hey I downloaded your first version. and u didn't exactly say wut u changed and i couldn't see any major changes in the pictures. u might want to put that in ur post. and did u take out the overshield cuz from version 1, u had 3 power ups
  19. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks everyone for the feedback :]

    @II AceMasta II: I actually considered having the mongoose there but it played best with it on top, easier to just grab a ride and start going, instead of bouncing off shield doors and getting caught on grav lifts lol.

    I put the Sniper inside the base to minimize on the other team stealing one of your main weapons. And don't worry, the shield doors don't cause much camping, since you can easily be attacked from the other side.

    @crazyzebu: Uhh.. There are already 5 screenshots and a design sketch, not sure what else you want a picture of exactly lol.

    @JASONYO: The structure itself hasn't changed, it's merely a re-balanced version, I edited first my post now to show each change I made. It does play very differently, I mean I still like v1 but this is what everyone here asked for. I still feel 3 powerups are necessary, but I did raise the respawn to 180 now.

    Anymore feedback is welcome, I won't be making any changes to this map from now on, but anymore comments would help me with my next :]

  20. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Wow, this is so freaking amazing.

    Wow, talk about original. The interlocking is just flawless. I first thought this map had too much open space, but after I started playing it I saw other wise. Man, the way you incorporated the bases in the big bunker is just amazing. How long did it take you to make this??? Keep it up man!

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