[youtube]gLzr0lriue8[/youtube] Yeah, what are your guys thoughts on it? I know an actually useful one on Ambush, where you can get into a building an alternate way (I've found SOOO many alternate entrances on Ambush). But yeah, it's actually really really fun, just... Call of Duty is supposed to be REALISTIC! Lol. Me and my friends glitch very often. Hit me up if you wanna come. Video wasn't made by me, and yes it was made on PC version, but it works on Xbox360 as well.
Srsly. But.. i dont think they will gain that much popularity.. I mean maybe its just me but after watching the video it doesnt appear to me that many of them will be that useful in a competitive match... i mean, if u dont do it right ur screwed... spend too much time trying to do it, when u could be getting kills and helping the team, etc but still this is a pretty cool find, i hope it doesnt ruin the game.
That's why I don't think it will make a big impact on the game (other than to glitchers). However, they are very very fun.
Yea i mean i know pretty much all of the glitch jump spots but i only use like 2 of them because the other ones are kinda iffy that u will get to it on the first try and i dont like wasting time trying to get to a spot when i could be killing
It will get so popular, that your teamates will be wasting time doing this, and dieing instead of killing. and you will lose games, and get pissed.
You die too fast in COD4 for this to make a difference. Actually i hope someone does that so i can get a free kill when there trying to get the perfect landing. ROFL