I put this in General chat, so don't post stupid replys, post something Realistic. Job? I personally want to be involved in the fine arts, whether it be a critic, a commercial artist or working at a gallery. I hate maths and science, I find it too complicated and logical. I've always been interested in art. I would also like to become a chef, I know it's not exactly original, but I like having creativity, and when I can eat my creativity... Plus I'm the best in my cooking class at school. Relationships? I don't really plan on getting married, and I most probably will not have kids. I may have a long standing girlfriend, but I'm not into the whole marriage buisness. What about you?
Well I've known for a few years now that I've wanted to do something in Graphic Design. Not sure yet as to what exactly I want to do though. Possibly advertising posters or DVD cover design and that kind of stuff. If not. something in Journalism. I love the idea of being a movie critique. I'd like to be happily married and I'd like to have children someday, to carry on what ever legacy I have.
Job. Still yet to be determined, maybe Architecture or GD like Linu. Designing covers for things, making box-arts for big-time countries - that sort of thing. Relationship. Definitely looking to become married and most likely to have kids. Having something that is purely your own, is a miracle.
Job? You're all going to go "Yeah right" when I say this but I really want to get into A.I. development for videogames. My ultimate goal is to go work at Bungie but I'm happy with anything. Relationships? I hope to get married but I want take things slowly as to make my marriage better...but not gonna happen for a while as I'm in high school still! :happy:
job I've always wanted to do something in the art category but recently have really been interested in film production. I know there's almost never any job security there though so I think I'll try pursuing that a bit after high school and see how it goes relationships I also want to marry and have kids some day.
Job? I don't know yet, maybe a guitarist, or something that has to do with drawing. Relationship? I sure want to get married though I don't want kids in my later life, they only cost money.
JOB: Well, even though I've changed my mind several times, over the past couple of years I've decided on doing video game cartography. I always loved art, but this was the best way to fill my desire. Relationships: I always plan ahead when it comes to something important, then I worry if everything between us will be alright. Then I choose very carefully, depending on her personality. I know one already, but she is older, and another one is where I used to live. They both like me, and I like them, but I'm scared of rejection, too much happened in my life. Marriage seems like my future, and kids, well, let's wait until step one is complete.
I am a creative factual person. I like to draw, create stories, and philosophy. The job I am seeking is either to be an accountant or take over my family business. I already asked my fiancee to marry me and would like to be married in the next five years. We both want to finish college first. However, we will most likely move in with each other in the next two years and have two-three kids in the next six to seven. That is if everything goes according to plan, but things usually do not.
Job Probably Journalism at this moment in time. I would like to go into Marketing though, one of the two would make me happy. Relationship Would love to have Children and be married. Just have to find Mrs Right first
job: Well, ive always wanted to work on animation or game art and design, graphic design is good also, basically, anything i can use my drawing talents on. Hint on the name "DrawingMan" relationship: Well, as soon as I can afford a much better ring, I plan on marrying Toochie, weve alredy started a life togheter, and hopefully in the somewhat near future, have a kid ....Yes babe, I want a kid. Now go put one in the oven for me We can do what Mudbucket said and if its a girl call her April May, that way when she does something bad i can call her out "MARCH! April May. March! =D
Job- I plan on going to Columbia College in downtown Chicago, Illinois. At there I plan on studying Video Production. I have been making videos for the last four years and it has been an interest of mine for a while. It is something I enjoy doing, think about everyone watches movies and those movies have to be made from someone. Relationship- At this point in life I am undecided. I would love to have that special someone that I could live the rest of my life with yet I just haven't found her. I know for a fact that I would like to have at least one child yet I want to wait for that special someone. Relationships in High School are totally different then when you are out of High School. Funny thing is that there is a girl at my school that is a friend of mine that she plans on going to the same college. She says she wants to get a place together after high school and be room mates. I don't know I will have to see that still two to three years from now. And she is going out with my best friend.
Job: I want to learn how to make games and digital design and stuff like that. Maybe a map creater? Relationship: I want to be happily married and have two kids when I grow up.
Job I'd personally love to be an actor, either on screen or on Broadway. I've been in one movie so far (non speaking role, but still) and I've also done two voice overs. I'm totally into the local Theater programs as well. Relationship I can't wait to meet that special someone, and I can't wait to be a dad.
Job: A professional clarinetist, I am first chair in my band, first chair in my county band, and I am trying out for the all-state band on Saturday. Hope I make it, can't wait for what is going to become of me for the rest of this year and the next three years of high school. Relationship: Wand to be married but with no kids.
Job: Well, I'm studying all of the necessary classes in high school to get ready for a career in Architecture. I plan on designing homes, commercial buildings, requested landmarks, and possibly skyscrapers once I become a senior architect (20-30 years of working). I will design my home once I have enough money to make into what I please. I would love to design something like this too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM109_EbMcs&fmt=18 10 minute video but worth the watch. Relationship: I plan on marrying when I get older to someone who's really kind and beautiful. I'm not so big on having children, but maybe if my partner truly wants one.
Job For my job, here are my plans. go to college and get a degree in musical education, and be a band teacher at a high school. Relationship **** it, I've suck at relationships.
Job? Definetly something in the medical field... I plan on going to UF (Go Gators btw) and then becoming a radiologist. I plan on getting married as well and having maybe two kids.... (use condoms the rest of the times =p)
Job I'm gonna be a Forensic Pathologist. Its interesting to perform autopsies and study human anatomy and phisiology. Relationships: I plan on getting married and having 2-3 kids.