Sorry to say this Hari. But, if this is approved Im not sure if you should be on the team. You just havent been active enough in the G&A. My perfect G&A team would be as follows: ~me ~plug-in ~albeh ~diz ~juggernaut448
MY Perfect!!!! My perfect G&A team would be as follows: ~me ~plug-in ~albeh ~diz ~HellsRequiemAMX ~ Lord Terrax
Same here, except, no Juggs for me, and put in convulse. Holy ****, that guy is amazing. and Hari, another reason why you might not be in is because your not the best. your Ok, but... ya know? Not tryin to be a ****.
I'm on here everyday for sometimes up to an hour. Myabe you don't recognize it, but i'm here alot. And for my efforts here, of course, i get booted because of favorites nad because i'm not 'popular' enough on forgehub. This is a sad day in the G&A forum.
Yeah, i'm not unpopular, i'm just unpopular hence i am booted for favs. Its not about offence. You can call me unknown all you want. I'd rather not get excluded for favorites though. We can have more pplz than that anyways. It really depends on how many FH staff participate. PS: I have about 112 posts in the G&A forum.
yeah, and also, i agree with hari and diz slightly...evenly actually....although hari doesnt participate enough on the G&A, seeing as I'm on there for 3 hours daily, and monitor the new posts regularly, dizfunky is right doesnt count just watching the graphics and arts thread BTW my faves would be ~sdrakulich ~platinumlynx, .Core, or Smeagle a.k.a FRESH PLASMA ~alby ~diz ~juggernaut448 and shouldnt be that just the popular guys, like dizfunky, alby, smeagle, etc etc get to be on the team, yet that everyone gets an equal chance...
The people who participate the most in the G&A should get to be on the team. P.S. I have over 1,000 post in here.
Damn. Am I too late? Rawwrrgghhh. I'm wondering, if I do happen to play, what time is the FNF for Aussies? I'll have to look into that. Also, what about Mallet? He's like, the leader of the G&A section. xD
Buuuut, hes staff. Which is who the G&A would be up against. As for you Stoj, I think you should be in there too.
that may be true, but how do you check how many you have there? also, there you go, playing favorites? let me see your team, of non favorites (as non popular people combined with popular) I bet that only 1 or 2 will be regular.....
o/ GFseX is hawt, who made it? Girlfriend sex eh? I KNOW YOUR EVIL WAYS. -- I gotsda look at tha times. EDIT: 6pm EST, so 8 Am AEST
yes, but how would you go about checking how many posts you have there? from what i see currently, you have 1,476 posts...lets subtract from there before this lets estimate around 1, lets say you DO post in other places of ForgeHub, so whats the point here? How do you, smeagle, prove that you actually DO have OVER 1000 posts in FH's G&A section? Also, think about how many of those posts are like this: If I must say so myself, those do not count in my rulebook of how many posts you have in the G&A section........
Dra, they technically count for G&A, because they aren't anywhere else, obviously, lololololol. Insane told me the event started at 6 PM EST, so that's like 8:00 AM for me - I can't make that. School is around then. =/
OMG drakulich. You just dragged out the longest answer that made no sense whatsoever. I barely post anywhere else. So, if I could check. I guarantee you I have over 1,000 posts here. I, however dont believe that post count matters. I was just responding to him. EDIT: Meh!
I is here! Dis be kool. I'm off to school, I'll see YOU nubpie's later. xD Have fun with the discussion.
So an hour of my life every day just isn't good good enough huh? I have to have no life whatsoever to be considered a 'popular' member of the G&A forum? And Alby, skill in making sigs doesn't matter in this. We just need representatives of the G&A forum. However, i might as well give up my masquerade for fairness as it seems you have all conspired against me, saying 'i'm not well known enough' or 'not skilled enough' or 'i don't post 1000 ****ing times in one thread'. Whatever you guys.