DOWNLOAD - Kill House II Parent Map Foundry Recommended variants for optimal gameplay Slayer, Team Doubles, Oddball, Mosh-pit, Mosh-pit Doubles,Oddball Doubles, 1vs1 Map Description Kill House II is my first Forgehub post. It is a condensed symmetrical arena with three floors. It is a smaller map for more direct conflict, yet spacious enough for sniping. All weapons and spawn-points are evenly placed throughout the map making spawn-camping near impossible (the chances of spawn camping are increased with greater player numbers of course). Weapon or Equipment type/Number of Item Sentinel Beam x2 Battle Rifle x4 Shotgun x1 Carbine x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Spiker x4 Energy Sword x1 SMG x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Spike Grenade x4 Frag Grenade x4 Photo
You need to put pictures. To learn how go to
i would seriosly suggest bringing this to forge hub standerds or your map will get locked and thats no fun for anyone
i would embed that picture, and you might want to embed even more pictures. This is like a little preview for if we were to download, we would be able to see what we're. Comprende?
No one else needs to post until he fixes them. But this might be closed, so o well. The map sounds fimilier and good. But I just might download to see it =].
check the rules about embedding pictures, this sort of thing used to hapen to me. and try to put afew more on the map sounds cool but i cant really tell.
Okey No one needs to post about pics anymore i did check out your pick, and the map looks fair i cant tell from the 1 pic but it looks like you could use some interlocking also miightn want to flip those double boxes looks interesting