Legendary DLC The Pillar of Autum: Halcyon C Cruiser

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Val, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Val

    Val Ancient
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    The Pillar of Autum is a ship unlike any other and has been the greatest challenge i have had to face on forge ever.


    I have tried to recreat the exact look to the best of my abilities. Many details are missing as you can see though i will explain the reason why.


    An unmissable feature i had to include was the engines where i have merged the energy shields with watchtowere bases.
    Ramps proved to be the ideal choice for the sides of the ship though as a ran out of objects i was forced to use watchtower bases and boxes.


    The airlock. Though you do spawn on the inside this is the way in if you go outside.


    There are four decks on this ship. On the deck which im dubbing the command deck i have made a small recreation of the PoAs bridge. Though smaller i tried to make it the same layout as the bridge of the real one.


    This includes the screen, command pit, viewport and a little weapon holder for cortana.


    Heres a pic of the pit.


    To get into the bridge i have made a very simple sliding door which you can activate by jumping up and picking up the custom power up.


    The rest of the command deck is made up of passages to decks above and below.


    The lower deck provides accsess to the MAC. This MAC is a form of my Mass Driver map installed in the belly of the ship.


    Heres the opening. You may notice the floor slopes up towards the viewport. This is to stop the crate from jamming when the MAC fires.


    The upper deck can be accsessed by a ramp from the command deck.
    Here i had to remove several boxes and place flat panneled objects to make room, though i think it turned out great.


    The upper deck is incredibly spacious. This room i had intended to be the armoury, though because i ran out of objects the only weopon it has is a shotgun.
    This map is FULLY PLAYABLE. For CTF, slayer and assault. Though make sure you have unlimited ammo at the beginning or pick it off dead bodies. Sorry but i had made this map with Aesthetic in mind.


    This is the back part of the upper deck and has a portal thingy so you can go to the crawlspaces. I hate having to resort to teleporters. i had intended to use a small elevator but i ran out of objects.


    This is the crawlspace and runs along the top of the ship from front to back. Its main use is for infection around which i made the map.


    I have made two versions of this map. One is the aesthetic one and the other is for infection and is called repel boarders.
    For infection the players spawn in the crawlspaces, with the zombies at the other end. A crate blocks the teleporter below and will be moved when a gravlift spawns to push it out the way after 45 sec.


    There are three obsticals throughout the ship. the other two are in the form of sliding doors on timers. When you get to the command deck you have a choice. you can either make a last stand in the bridge or jump out the MAC and try to find another hiding place. I prefer the last stand option.


    I mentioned that i had included my Mass Driver in the form of a MAC. The controls are in the pit on the bridge.
    To activate it simply pick up the custom power up.


    This drops the fusion coil.


    Fusion coils on the bottom of the ship explode.


    Which releses the crate.
    Tis great fun to blast people out and yes it can be fired manually from inside it.

    For CTF, Slayer and assault.
    Download Aesthetic version
    Download Infection version
    #1 Val, Sep 11, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
    Playerhata27 and Mace like this.
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    This ship look great inside and out. Looks like there is a lot of playable space inside the ship. I especially like the box switch. Does it clear a whole hallway in the ship? I can't tell from the picture.
  3. Val

    Val Ancient
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    It simply rises when you pick it up.
  4. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    this map is awesome, it makes me want to play Halo one again, great detail with the bridge stuff, hope it gets a lot of dl's
  5. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    This is the best Pillar Of Autunm i like how it has so many rooms and crawspaces.

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now this certainly deserves to get featured! I love the shape and how much room there is in the ship! Very nice job, it really does look like the pillar of Autumn.
  7. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Thanks alot
  8. macpatterson

    macpatterson Ancient
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    well done, this looks great. you may want to look in the forging 101 section about how you can make all the colored boxes the same color. then it would be epic.
  9. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
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    This looks awesome! Great job, and so detailed. I <3 the MAC!
  10. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    its huge and well forged and basically covered in delicious winsauce.

    Inmterlcokings cool, and of course it looks good.

    And the inside looks like one of the best i have ever seen.
  11. Satan

    Satan Ancient
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    its like titan all over again... except...with more rooms.. ohh my goodddd >.<
    +pukes blood+

    I think I can smell features? o_O
  12. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    The map looks great, But you should have made it for Assault and CTF instead of infection. Great map, Better than any of my ship map's. This has given me an insperation to create a giant ship like this!! Thank's a lot!! The map deserves a 4.8/5, Make it set up for one flag and assault and that would be epic. The ship is great!! I will download the infection version and try it later. ;) Keep Forging.
  13. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Please read the entire post. It IS set up for slayer ctf and assault
  14. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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  15. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    this is the best Pillar of Autumn map i have ever seen! The shape is accurate, i love the abundance of pictures. some ship map posts only have, like, 2 pics of it. and the fact that it's playable doesnt hurt lol. 5/5 for sure. keep up the good work!
  16. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    This map really is the best halcyon class ship map EVER on halo 3. the forging is neat, the inside looks great, and I just found purple stuff on my finger wtf? anyway, this doesn't deserve a feature, though. It deserves 4 features! 0.o 5/5 and, if It was an option on forgehub, a reccomendation to the Cookie Awards. Great job!
  17. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Yeah i had been meaning to do that. when i was finishing i estimated that i would have enough for a few more weapons. i didnt and i really didnt have the heart to undo parts on it to put weapons in because it took me so long for every bit. Surely you cant just set it to unlimited ammo
  18. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    wow this looks AMAZING not sure the layout was that great... but its hard to work w/ a ship lol... first pic is great nice wrok must have taken a lot of time...
    floating interlocking that perfect is epic win this is great...
    4/5 (for layout i docked one which is still good)
    keep the maps coming
  19. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    This is a really incredible remake of the Pillar of Autumn. I can tell that it must've taken hours and hours to make this, with a patience I just don't have. Really incredible man. But it N33DS MOAR 1N73RL0CK1NG. Just kidding. A definite download, and I wouldn't be surprised to see this featured.

    P.S. I'm gonna play the Infection game, and get back to you on how well it works.
  20. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    This looks very well forged. I love how it looks. It looks just like your avatar. 5/5 and though it looks a little sloppy inside. But I will download, and I love CTF. I hope you make a lot more shhips lol.

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