Forgotten Crypt Created & Forged by Vicious Vice Original Concept by SargeantSarcasm & TrueDarkFusion "Welcome to the Forgotten Crypt" <DOWNLOAD FORGOTTEN CRYPT> <DOWNLOAD PEASANT HUNT> Introduction: Some of you may remember a little game by the name of Peasant Hunt on a map called Lost Chamber. Well its no secret that i absolutely love this game, so i decided to do a remake of Lost Chamber. After hours of thinking of a name i just decided to call it Forgotten Crypt...yeah I know really unique...anyways here it is. Changes: Now what makes this a remake of the original. Here are some bullet points to simplify my explanation. 1. Narrower hallways. 2. No longer a large square but two squares overlapping at the edge 3. No more "Hallway of Safety"....there is a "Corner of Confidence" but its a deathtrap. (ask speed e cake) 4. Map changes over time. At first the map is not to complicated but once the fence wall start spawning in it gets even more complicated. Similarities: 1. Still a maze with no escape. 2. Minotaur spawns in one of the 4 corners. 3. Will still make you scream like a little girl. Pictures: "The A square and B square intersect here" "Hey that fence wall wasn't there before" "Different map same tactics" Overview: (Roof Removed for Pictures) "Square A" "Square B" Best of Luck and Enjoy! <DOWNLOAD FORGOTTEN CRYPT> <DOWNLOAD PEASANT HUNT> Peasant Hunt was created by SargeantSarcasm & TrueDarkFusion
Hey nice remake Did you add on to the map, or make it bigger in any way? Im glad you made the hallways more narrow, it helps make it easier for the zombie, and also makes it more fun. Nice Job
I remade it from the ground up. It's about the same size just a different shape. Also this has more deadends and even more over time.
Labyrinth This is the best labyrinth map I've seen. It reminds me of David Bowie. Dance, Magic, Dance! Power of the babe!
haha, I remember play testing this with you. It is far better than the original version, this was one of the best moments in that TGIF, but it didnt have a hall way of death? loz.. 5/5 You are ma hero (viskous)
ummm swift. this wasnt the one from tgif i think. it looks different but i cant remember if it was made by vicious vice or not. oh welll looks really good ill dl and play i guess
i remember the lost chamber! i still play that! it was amazing, and of course i will download the new version. the spawned map effects was a good idea, keeps the game going. also, sometimes i would change it to 2 minotaurs and how ever many humans. it gets pretty intense, especially now that its bigger. great job man, im so glad i signed on just now. HAHAHAHA! i dont memorize. i just look for a dual hallway where i can watch down both ends and no passages behind me. its supah safe that way. i have also mastered going inside the minotaur spawn and putting the pallet back on the door.
You no i'm angry at you for this cuz now every TGIF i will being playing this map and I dont have this one memorized or even close to figured out everytime I somehow the one first killed GRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
its a great map, but usually u can only play it with people who no ow to do peasunt hunt, most people will just randomly run towards the zombie
There was something I meant to tell you right after TGIF 15 but I somewhat forgot. Anyways, while we were testing this map during TGIF, I noticed that near the starting drop area, there is a wall that is not covered on top by any boxes or other insundry items. When one pushes a barrel or another player who has lagged out into the right position, it makes for a very nice ledge to hide on. No one noticed me while I was up there, and I tried it many, many times. Might want to fix that, if possible. CORNER OF CONFIDENCE!
Yes i remember that but luckily I fixed that prior to posting the map. But thank you for the info now the only place to hide is...nowhere.
Vice was this the one we played in TGIF in ur party? if so I like it moar than th3 o4rigin4l. Anyway I think the way you position the walls made it alot more win in the first one. Gr3at j0b
Corner of Confidence+Speed e Cake= Lolz and epic win. God, that TGIF testing session was awesome. The only problem is getting trapped between 2 fence walls when they spawn, I really hope you fixed that. This puts a brand new spin on Peasant Hunt. I wont be surprised if this is on the Front Page very soon. Cheers! Desert Rat 852
i loved peasant hunt, so im pretty sure ima love this too, its just like, a betetr version of it right? with like more ssmaller doorways? it looks fun, nice job vice
Hey I remember you and speed e cake. And this map. I really like the signs. Nice touch. And this is way better than the original because of the spawning in fence walls. I remember running from the minotaur and then a fence appeared and I died.
It totally ain't a death trap! It's only the sneakiest place in the map (since for some reason, every time I play this map the Minotaur never goes in that area). I guess you guys can call me Sneak-e-cake. Seriously Vice, I think this is a map that is equal or even surpasses the original, I especially like the use of timed map events thrown into the mix, it makes the game much more lol - like. The more narrow corridors are also a nice addition since hits through walls happen more often and the whole "there is no were left to hide" felling is a great tone of game for Peasant Hunt. Nothing more could be said except if you're a fan of the original, don't let this slip by!
i like i like nice to see a new design seemed everyone had the same stratagy and everyone had the maps turns memorised... but i new map will change that HEHEHE i will catch them off gaurd... walls straight like befor... fencewall nice more... before it was too scary n people stood still untill they where discovered... n the new layout is a new layout... lol cant ewait to try...
looks like a pretty cool mini-game. It not that original though, this idea has been tons of times, starting with lost chamber. So good try but really doesn't stand out as anything special or original. Just opinions, ok.