Stratos Area

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Oldranos, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Oldranos

    Oldranos Ancient
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    What you think who are the better choice :

    -Remove the Projectors and the Bombs Barrels and place de bridge in a better position. (less in aesthetic but better in gameplay)

    -Or just place de bridge in a better position
    #21 Oldranos, Sep 11, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2008
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    this is a really nice map
    its clean and well structured
    but its lacking substance, the main hallway's great but there's lttle elsewhere to fight and collect weapons
  3. Oldranos

    Oldranos Ancient
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    Sorry but I have a question : This is me or the Forge work bad ( right term ?) since de new uptade ? Because I put the bridge in a better place in the new version of my map, I save and when I come back the bridge move in a worst position ( right term ?). Someone have the same problem ?
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Ok, I know you're new here, and I must say, you did an awesome job on your first map. You had a good OP, and even though your English could be better, it’s not the worse I’ve seen. For a French person, I think it’s alright (as long as it’s read-able, then I’m fine with it). So with that, I shall say that I'm sure you already have a general idea of what you need to fix from other user comments, but, I'll be giving you what I think you should improve. I hate to boast about my replies, but the difference with mine and others is I go really in-depth with mine. (Trust me, I'll be giving you an essay-like reply) ...and to be honest, if you do update this, then I can see it getting featured. So here is my epic review for you.

    Gameplay: Gameplay was fun. We played Team Slayer 3v3, 1-Bomb 3v3/3v2, and KotH 3v2/2v2. Even with the flaws that were in the map. We had a lot of fun and I'm sure with adjustments, this can be really fun. The main flaws are with the spawns and the weapons, and some with the layout, but I'll go into more detail in those sections. My point is, even with the flaws gameplay was still fun. So with improvements gameplay can be 10/10... but as of now it is 7/10.

    Layout: Now, with all maps, the layout is the key thing now a days, it's what in basics gets a person to download your map (that and a good OP, which you did a good job on too). But more on to the layout. The layout I loved, it was good for 2v2s and even 3v3s. However, there are improvements needed. The basic long hallway is nice, but on the side the walls are not connected to the bridge. This is bad because it makes it bumpy and you sometimes have to jump back on to the bridge. It is good to have a nice smooth surfaces so people can flow through the map better. Another negative thing about this map is the shield doors. They way they are used in this map are the cause of major camping. So it'd be best to get rid of them, or angle them differently so they are still there for cover (but you can still throw grenades in there and shoot anyone hiding behind them at an angle. One last thing is, something you don't really need to fix, but it was kind of a pain... and that is the man cannons. I think if you moved them up a tad then they'd be good. You may not know this, but when you place down a regenerator near a man cannon, it actually amplifies the man cannons power. Thus, we found ourselves being stuck in the side rooms when the regenerator was active. But, by merely pushing the up a tad, then I think this will solve that little problem. So overall, the layout is 8.5/10. (With improvements it could be 9.5/10).

    Aesthetics: With this map, I saw hardly anything that was used before (in other maps). This map is very original (to me anyways). The man cannons were a nice touch and the A and B signs were used good for cover. The octagonal main hallway was used before, but not like this. This takes up most of the map and is the main area which makes it unlike other octagonal hallways. The fusion coils under the fence walls was alright, and the window panel and turret boxes were also good. Aesthetic wise, you shouldn't change anything (well, you'll have to move the man cannons up, but they should still be visible)... 9.5/10 for Aesthetics.

    Weapons: This is where your map gets it's downside. I did a forge through and noticed weapons where on funky respawns, and just in general the weapons were bad. But don't worry, this is why I am here, to help you out. Now, after a few games, I came up with a better weapon system for this map. So, first of all, lets start with the shotgun. It was alright that it had a zero clip. But it wasn't alright on the respawns part. If you were going to keep it, then you should up the respawn to at least 120 secs. or 150. But I think you should change it with a mauler and have 1 clip with a 120 respawn. Next is the snipers. I think it'd be perfect to get rid of them. They were alright, but they weren't that great. Replacing them with needlers would be good because they work like snipers, but better at mid-range. Have them with 1 clip and 90 sec. respawn. Finally, we come to the side weapons. Brute Shots on both sides, 0 clips and 60 or 90 sec. respawn (basically adjusting one and putting one on the other side and getting rid of that needler). Ok, now that takes care of the power weapons. But I'm not done. The plasma turrets were cool, and they were used nicely. But it would be a good idea to put them on symmetrical only. What that basically does is have them spawn in games like Team Slayer, Multi-Flag, and Assault. But as for games like 1-Flag, and 1-Bomb (asymmetrical games), they wont spawn. Having them set up like this is good because the prove to be too overpowering for asymmetrical games. ~It isn't really needed, because I don't really see people playing asymmetrical games on this map, but it would be nice, just in case. The last two things are simple changes. Move one of the BR's up to where the window panels are (on both sides) and get rid one of the SMG’s (on both sides) --You don't have to do that with the spikers because no one really used them. Er, well, the flare and the regenerator were kind of a bad mix... I'd try using deployable cover on a 60 sec. respawn. The current weapon system gets a 4.5/10, because it could be WAY better (Up to a 8.5/10 with improvements).

    Spawns: Here, again, this another downfall of the map. Spawning in this map was very predictable. I assume you did your current spawning because you thought it'd be best for the map. It is, don't get me wrong, but the way you used it is where the downfall comes. You don't really need to add spawns, or move them per-say. Just switch them all to neutral, and place spawn areas (and make sure you do it in all the gametypes you have the map set up for). I'll go ahead and assume you wont know how to use them, so I'll explain a good way to set them up. First thing you want to do is have one neutral respawn area in the center of the map that covers all of the map. Then go about placing the respawn areas in key spawn areas and give them to attackers/defenders. That's it in a nutshell. But if you don't get it, and want help send me a FR (Vorpal Saint) and I'll help you further. So the current spawns are a 4/10 since you can easily spawn camp and if they don't spawn in once place, they'll spawn in another. (It can be improved up to a 7.5/10 IMO, which may still seem bad, but with this sized map it's actually good).

    Overall: Overall, this map gets a 6.7/10 (Average, but almost good --off by .3). (and if you do improve it based on my review, then I'd give this a 9/10 (Great). The main things needed fixing is the weapons and spawns, then the layout. After that the gameplay will become better and the aesthetics will still be good.

    As a final, closing note… I really hope you do these updates or something similar to them. Because if you do I can see this being featured for sure. Which would be awesome for you because this is your first map post. With a map like this I‘m sure you‘ll go far in the Forgehub community. I'm also sure you'll make many more great maps that also might get featured. One day you’ll be a premium member. The last thing I have to say for you is this quote some person said: May the forge be with you!

    InferiorPigeon likes this.
  5. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    this is a beautiful map and plays relatively well, though I found that the occasional spawn camp can occur so consider adding extra off-shoots for the map. But by no means add a second large hallway that needs to stay. But great map none the less.
  6. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    It doesn't look like foundry at all, this map looks like something new. The map is aesthetically beautiful, but it looks very playable, as well. I love the center hallway, but it is kinda small but probly good for 2 on 2 nice layout and everything!

  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    lol i read throught all the post and thought why did he put mother for S1 and air lock (when hacked) for S2

    any wayz this is a really nice map i think that having a flare is a good idea in this type of map as well but is the turrets a bit OTT i think
  8. thorvald killer

    thorvald killer Ancient
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    I have almost forgot about conker live and reload But this map remind me of and it looks really nice
  9. Oldranos

    Oldranos Ancient
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    Very tanks all and especialy for the comments of Vorpal Saint ! This is exactly what I needed for make a better version.
  10. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I loved testing this map. It works best on Slayer and assualt. Turrerts arn't freakishly overpowered like in most maps.Only problome was spawn killing. The shotgun is way overpowered it was almost always in play to. Also the bomb kept rolling under the floor. But those are easly fixed. over all i'd give it 5/5
  11. B0LTS_56

    B0LTS_56 Ancient
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    My bad, this wasn't supposed to be spam. I said, "You write French a lot better than I write English. Good work, and excellent map as well."

    Rereading it, the last part definitely sounded kind of obnoxious though. And I should have translated.
  12. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. I love how you can't even tell its foundry from any of the pics. However, I am concerned that the gameplay might be off but I will find out.

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