Hey everybody, Since this weekend is a Double Exp Weekend on CoD infinity ward are offering 50% off on the map packs which means theyre only 400MS Points from Friday Through till Sunday. I Currently have 340MS Points but i dont want to buy another 250/500/1000MS Points for no reason, Is there a way to buy Custom Amounts of MS Points? Cheers, A6B.
Yeah, there isnt a way to choose exactly how many you get. If I'm not mistaken the amounts you can get are 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000. I may be wrong though.
Wow, that sucks. Ill probably buy the 1000 then since i want the mythic map pack as well so thats like 160 spare. Maybe they'll both be worth the money then?
Assuming Mythic is only 800, though it could be more if it's six maps, as well it could be less since it's halo's anniversary.
MS won't release custom amounts of Microsoft Points. The whole idea behind it is that you'll end up spending less points than the actual item costs, thus you'll be left with a small amount that you can't use. However, you can buy more points. It's a vicious cycle.
You used to be able to gift your own set amounts, but they removed it because people would hack peoples emails and purchase hundreds of thousands of MS Points. It happened to me, but I called 1-800-4MYXBOX and they took care if it.
So wait... did I hear this right? Those maps are half price? Gotta get them... Anyways, like Nemi said, they wont do that ever. It would be nice, but MS are pricks at some stuff.
Since we are on the topic of microsoft points, i here ppl talking about giving ppl microsoft points without buying the 1600 point card.is this possible?
It was, until Microsoft removed this because of all of the trouble they were getting from scammers and hackers. I was a victim, read my previous post. Also, I wish they would allow custom amount purchases. I have 50 on one account, and I'd like to buy 750 for the next map pack (that is if it costs $10) so I wont have the extra 50 just lying around. It makes me mad that there hardly anything worth buying at that amount. I mean, little gamer pictures cost $2 to $2.50 most of the times. I never buy them though. =)
Mythic will probably be 1,200. But no I highly doubt they will evergive you the ability to buy as many microsoft points as you want.