Deja Vu A hard new puzzle NOTICE: I am new to forgehub and this is my first post. I have read the rules but if I overlooked anything please kindly remind me and I will correct it. Enjoy! Hello and thanks for looking at my thread. This is a long and, according to my testers, very hard puzzle. You may experience memory issues as you try to escape. You may thing you've won when you've lost, and you may think you've lost when you've won. I AM A SLOPPY FORGER. However, this is a good thing as it allows me to come up with new and creative ideas. Please, there is no need for "you suk, ur map has to much glitchs and needs moar inlokicnd" No where in my entire map will you have to glitch through a wall via turrent or vehicle. This saves you the annoying trouble of wandering in circles around the room forever. You will need to know how to equipment jump, and you can ghost jump your way through the map however try to do it without =). It was entirely designed without ghost jumping in mind. This is a long and hard map so I will give hints to those who ask nicely. If you are absolutely stuck on a section, I can send a solution vid for that particular section. Well, I hope you enjoy figuring the map out as much as I did making it. Heres some important stuff: Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gamertag: Viral Nuts I'm slowly uploading new pics. Check these out for now. Edit: Can some people rate my map after they play it? I have 50+ dls and one rating (no, it was not me.) Welcome to Deja Vu. Good thing I don't make you choose later. Room 2. Yes, it is very fun to get outta here. Now what? Ooh, I see numbers. Ahh! Hey, how'd you do that? I win! (Yes, it is very possible) p.s. thanks to all who helped me with my pics. Now I can do this easily.
You've read the rules, good, but embed pictures, I think you overlooked that. Read this to learn how to embed images, you have to embed at least one. Fixed the link, I have no clue what the heck it was before I fixed, it was some random mini-game map.
your link dosn't work, here, click on the group in my sig, and on the first or second page, it explains how to embed pics
Sorry if this seems like spam, but before you attempt to upload any pictures, DON'T TAKE THEM IN FORGE! I saw in your recent screenshots that you did that before on a map, I'm not sure which to be honest. Also, you must retake the photos in order for them to show up on your service record. <<The server may be overloaded, so they may not show up for some time. Otherwise, just retake'm =D. I will check back later when your screenies are up and comment on your map. Peace... EDIT: Also, if you need help embedding pictures, just ask for help. That is, when to pictures manage to show up on your service record! so if Stin can't help (Which I'm 99.9 percent sure he can), then ask me. Elkan Viel, way to check your links =D
Looks pretty good now that we can see it ; ). I'm not a fan of maze maps as some of them are easy but this looks semi-hard, I know how to double jump with a radar jammer. 4/5
I'm talking about retaking the photos if he did them in forge. Anyways' nice map! 30 downloads already, that's pretty impressive! I'm not a big fan of puzzle maps, but ignore me. You should take more pictures because you didn't exactly show us too much of the puzzle map, really we only can see three areas. Here is an epic bump!
Hey guys thanks for all the comments and dl's so far. I tried to make this map fun to do, along with being hard to figure out. Remember, if you are truly stuck, pm me or post here but remember to put a spoiler notice for others to avoid. I plan on taking some new pics sometime soon
ok i give up could you tell me hot to get out of the first area i found a sniper but i cant help but wonder if im suposed to get the dumpster out
Haha thanks! Do you think you can send me a completion video for me to check if you did it the way I intended? Mavcev add me in game and i'll show you or send a vid, whichever you prefer.
I will try it right now and alert you when i have beat it or if i need assistance. From what i see it looks really neat even without interlocking. Edit: Ok, just made it to the grav lift thats pushing you back. However i am tired and i don't feel like doing this right now so i will pick up my progress on a different day
yo send a message to my account Fs Guy and I'll show you.. I cliped it.. screw it, just DL it from my file share.. its the only video thats 32sec long