LMAO that made me **** my self laughing the spider with the gun lol funny funny funny sywens thanks for the laugh but now im just bored again...
i actually thought it was reall for the first few and was shocked at how it could work so quickly, but then i knew it was all fake, but wow, you know a spiders on drugs when it starts using gang slang like "poped a cap" and "building webs is for suckas" and when they get restraining orders...... great find
Wow, that was hilarious! The crack cocaine spider thought building webs was for "suckas" and waited until the caffine spider was exhausted and then "popped a cap in his arse". You should post more of these!
lol, I actually thought this was real. Until the restraining order. Great find, I cant remember seeing it before.
he's in the beginning lol i only went and watched half the video, never saw the arse part....w/e it was 2 in the morning, and i couldnt last any longer....:lol:
LMFAO that made me laugh soo hard, I had never seen that before.. I thought it was real, until I saw the Marijuana spider.. Instead, it built a hammock, and watched the caffeine spider all day. XDD funniest thing I have seen in awhile..
Ahem. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/6475-my-fear-my-family-mixed.html#post89883 Thats two in a row! im on a roll here, who's next?
Must watch now........... Seems so funny yet need to watch now. Seriously though that was the funniest spider on drugs video ever. And the only one.