
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by jdt155, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. jdt155

    jdt155 Ancient
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    You Charge for the flag, getting shot by the whole team but just make it, u limp your way back getting covered by your team. You cross the center and think your safe when out of know where a lone assassin pops out and kills you. Game Over (well not really game over...but)

    The map CenterPiece is a competitive map made mainly for the use of Capture the Flag and assault, but also plays well with slayer gametypes. The Game is mainly a two sided arena with 4 ways across to the other side all based in the center. Two entrance/exit 's on the ground with one covered by destroy-able pallets and one a simple walkthrough protected by shield doors. The other two up high one with a walkup path and the other in jumping distance of some boxes.

    The weapon layout is made to help avoid center campers with no main power weapons aside from two snipers with limited ammo. There is also few grenades placed in strategic locations, some powerdrains and a bubble shield.

    Though a competitive map the gameplay is made to be more on the fun side. Best played with 4-6-8 player's.

    Not really much else i can think of aside from the fact that most likely theres a way out, so just play fair.
    Think i got most of them though

    Download Here

    And now For the Screenshots (Shield door not there on second level anymore)

    Side 1

    Side 2

    Entrances from side 1(Shield door not there on second level anymore)

    Entrances from side 2 (Shield door not there on second level anymore)

    Side 1 spawn

    Thats it for now
    Comments Apreciated. Any ideas would be nice to.
  2. jdt155

    jdt155 Ancient
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    There's some interlocking.(boxes on sides,middle center door top etc) Just when i tried to use more it just didn't seem to fit in very well.

    If u got any suggestions....
  3. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    i would still use more it gives the map appeal which is what gets downloads and satisfied coustomers... maybe fill some more space w/ minor things.. map seems to foundry try bringing it out of its original boundries and add some looks to it fence walls pallets asstetics... power ups merged in walls for teams man cannons to light up the place roundness ne thing u can fit in it just looks boring but your maps will come along u have to start somewhere right... try looking at other maps and seeing what u like about them then apply that in your map... its just to square a mere layout... i will stop rambling now...
    the layout looks great 5/5
    flag seems epic win on this...
    weapons 4/5
    looks 3/5

    keep up the work i would love to see more with this great layout just more pop... but it does look great keep em coming
  4. jdt155

    jdt155 Ancient
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    Thanks for the advice, will do some time. kinda busy with school though. I will start on a v2 with some more interlocking and whatnot. Im kinda determined here to make a great map. thanks Boyle 06
  5. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    looks like it could use some work
    you might want to interlcok some more, i see youu have a little
    also might want toflip those closed boxes to amke a smoother serface
    may want to add some astetic touches
  6. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    The design overall looks pretty good but in my opinion there should be some more cover. Also some interlocking and geomerging would really make the map legit and enjoyable. For first map, it looks pretty good. 4.1/5

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