Hey, i have Photoshop elements 6.0 and i don't have enough money to upgrade or anything yet.. maybe il get something for christmas. but what i was wondering if anyone had any tips for things i could do to make my 6.0 signatures look better? i don't know but if you have ever seen reaper of bunny's recent signatures they have a sorta smudged background, only more impressionist, and ive watched him make sigs.. its really interesting to see all of the tools of CS3. i'm looking for any settings or anything that might be of use to me with this older program
You probly have the chalk brush. If you do this is the smudge settings for the chalk brush. My Smudge Settings Chalk Brush by ~Ikinboy on deviantART its to make sigs with BGs like this
To make things look better just use all defaults and learn your ways around the filters and options in photo shop and you should be set to go with PSE6.0.
Dude, use BitTorrent or a keygen and get Photoshop CS3. It's pretty easy, and free. But it's illegal.
thank you trent.. that was a great help. hells, im tryin to work on that.. thanks. and dizfunky.. no i dont do that stuff.
Who is trent? Also I would search google cuz I gotz da PS so I don't know but I think it's pretty close to the same. ^_^
haha im sorry.. that must suck. and trent is zerosun.. correct? im pretty sure, unless you guys are two different very good graphics designers
lol reaper... anyways, i know i have at least some of those settings zerosun, i just have no idea how i access them. oh well...
o rite... it was a sig in the making for trent. I jsut used it as an example. We are two different people.
I have PS elements 4 too. On the layers window there is a dropdown menu with effects that are very useful. Try those.
alright. i dont use that much but il try it. and ok... i thought he got a name change to something so i wasnt sure.. sorry
yeah dont do the torrent thing. too many viruses and not to mention, it's illegal. you can always google tutorials and stuff. they always have of bunch of them.