This video is Hilarious. Just Hilarious. I like this one better than the original, because it looks teh better. The video gets really funny half-way through, so stay on your seats, and watch the whole thing. this never gets old. Here's the original. Some people say this one is better, I don't think so.
That is hilarious, nice find dude. Are there any other spoofs made by them? Or should I say, werharthe, graol mumbo hubla pookie.
My gosh, wow, you made me laugh! Good job! No, no other vids by them. I tried checking, and I can't find any.
i dont find this to be funny at all actually. The original is actually funny because it has a relevance.
NNOOO!!! Don't make fu of batman. JK This is very funny short spoof of it though. UFFFFUFUF. I am batman yey. But really I liked it, funny stuff.
Yea the one with the real life people is much better. Mainly because it is more realistic and more convincing. Even though this one isnt terrible.
Meh, I find one viewing is more than enough. The orignal video is okay, the halo one is crap. IMO Batman has to disguise his voice so that he is not recognized by those who can spot Bruce Wayne's voice. That is why George CLooney failed, he sounded the exact same whether he was in or out of the suit. and that Batman & Robin had Arnie as Dr. Freeze.
You guys don't like that? Wow, I can watch it ten times over and think it's hilarious. What's wrong with you?
Well, I have good taste, that's why. Watching two spartans rock back and forth with a sound clip from an originally okay vido for three minutes isnt all that amusing.
also to the original posters defense, this thread was originally about the halo version... its just that not everyone knew what he was talking about... so he added the original under it... two for two... want to keep going?