
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pegasi, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    By: I SeNTiNeL I and Pegasi Delta

    Recommended Gametypes:
    One Flag CTF (assault rifle start)
    One Bomb (assault rifle start)
    Team Slayer (AR start works well, but BR does too if you prefer)
    FFA (BR start is recommended here)

    Other Gametypes:

    YouTube - Clive
    Vid courtesy of Zachary9990.

    Thanks go out to:
    • Vorpal Saint
    • Nightfire
    • Megathumbs
    • Zachary9990 (special thanks to Zachary for the video and comments)
    • DimmestBread

    These guys really helped us out with testing and suggestions. We had a blast in those games, thanks guys.

    After getting bored of foundry as we all do at some point, me and I SeNTiNeL I decided to do our joint project on avalanche. We wanted to make something with a focus on one sided objective games, a solid base but extensive structure around the rest of the map as well. After me learning many lessons regarding geomerging and experimenting with various trickery about the map, I present to you our creation. We had a few Testers Guild games on this today, they were a real blast and the testers' impressions seemed very positive. They had a couple of suggestions which we acted upon. I felt that one of the testers, Zachary9990, put things pretty well, here's what he had to say:

    We took him up on the suggestion of switching Laser and Rockets, and Defenders now get the Rox and Attackers get the Spartan. We agreed that it helped to balance the bases and give a bit more of a chance to any Hog drivers. And the way out of the map has been fixed to the limits of the materials. There is still a way out, but its not too easy and takes a concerted effort to escape, so there will be no problems in games unless you have a chronic map breaker on your party....

    Now for tasty eye-food:

    Defender base
    Objective floor (Defender base)

    Attacker base

    A few pics of the rest of the map, focusing on the central dividing wall.

    The central wall has a tunnel running through the bottom of it, this is where OV spawns.

    And now for some action shots:


    That's me way up there, and I SeNTiNeL I staring on high.

    This was a learning experience for us both, but we had alot of fun building and testing it. We wanted to achieve something substantial and solid feeling on Avalanche, and we're pretty happy with the results. Let us know what you think.

    #1 Pegasi, Sep 10, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
    Nobody Worthy likes this.
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Great job on this Avalanche map. Building outdoors on this level can be very hard due to the uneven ground, but it looks like you merged some very level platforms into the ground. Floating platforms look great downloading now and checking it out. Just from the pictures and description I'm going to put this in my top 5 Avalanche maps. Awesome!
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    awsome job I SeNTiNeL I and Delta
    this mpa is looking great, very even and stright and the really good adjective flat
    i like the odd angles that you used on structures like those angeld ramps reall nice
    its a shame you can get out, but ohh well, if you ***** about ti you must hate halo's gameplay
    ver nice map im dling
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I had the priviledge to watch a testing video of this before it came out, and i have to say, the pictures you guys got there do nothing for me. The video was awesome, so i hope people watch that too.

    Coming from someone who doesnt usually even remotely like maps that were built outside of foundry, i think you've created an awesome map filled with unique gameplay that made me forget i was staring at avalanche. I did think there could be more ways to the base, but you're limited in what you can do.

    Great job to the both of you.
  5. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    This was a great map, I don't think I need to to say much after my last response to it in your post this time. This plays smoothly and is defientely some of the most fun I ever had testing or playing period.

    And as always
  6. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    The interlocking is clean and quite tidy. Although I must say I have no desire in this mainly for it doesnt seem too special. It is just neatly interlocked and thats all I really see. Dont mean to be offense but I am giving my opinion.
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    really well done this is THE best map i have seen that isn't on foundry ever this is really nice the interlocking is really good and also i would make the video more noticable in the post because at first i didn't see it but i looked at the post again and watched it and i saw this was a really nice map.

    reallly good job I SeNTiNeL I and Pegasi Delta on making such a cool map
  8. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Jesus Christ, I really missed an opportunity to test this didnt I?

    Ill put this in a few words, as I really dont want to write a wall of text.

    This is the BEST Avalanche map Ive ever seen.

    There, that sums it up nicely, doesnt it? I knew this project would turn out well. And by God did you pull it off!

    Desert Rat 852
  9. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments so far guys. There is nothing wrong in a wall of text Desert Rat nothing at all and thank for your kind words. The map was certainly a challenge to put together and get right. There will always be those like Halostriker who prefer maps that are different from the Halo norm but i do hope he likes it for what it is. A map that plays Halo well. That was one of our key goals in making this map, to make it work and feel like it could have been made by Bungie but at the same time to differ enough from them. I think we managed to pull it off very well.
    Bass Forger and megathumbs like this.
  10. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Wow this geomerging is an EPIC win.... this most have taken for ever...
    loved how you did the defender base so they have to clime in the open to get up there... sniper tower was nice need more cover i mean i no u wanted them vernable but maybe just some of the corners to protect them from bullets... liked the warthog lose the rocket or the laser u only need one tho i asume the rocket had no clips which is better but neways...

    map over all 4/5
    Pegasi likes this.
  11. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Good thing your not one of those people that overreacts when someone says they dont like the map too much. I get those a lot when I comment saying I dont care for it.
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I loved this map. From the sweet geomerging to the amazing gameplay. I had so much fun when I tested this. The gameplay is amazing and it is quite eye catching. I hope you used my advice as to where to put the fusion coil to make my special spot less powerful. This is a must download. I can definately see a feature for this.
  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Alright, I’m sure you realized what happen to our 1-Flag game we played, and you know that you’ll have to see what is up with it. Hopefully, you can fix that fast and before you post an updated link, go into custom and check to see if everything is there…(in all gametypes).
    But I did enjoy that we got to play 1-bomb… and I’ll be basing my report off of both the testing, and the two we just played.

    Gameplay: During testing, gameplay was hell-of-fun. This is a very well made map, and reminds me heavily of Last Resort (’cept it doesn‘t have a huge windmill of doom and a few other things). Basically, it’s like a snow version of Last Resort. Which is pretty cool. Even though you can play Team Slayer, and other symmetrical games here; Asymmetrical gametypes, such as 1-Flag and 1-bomb are perfect for this map. Though, the spawns were a bit iffy in 1-bomb, that’s a given. I hate trying to work spawns in 1-bomb, and territories. In 1-Bomb the spawns were kind of annoying, but I think you guys did the best you could do. It just goes to show you, you really have to stick to defense in bomb game, so you don’t get screwed in the end. The two main games I say for this map are 1-Flag and Team Slayer. Those two were really fun and I enjoyed them the most. Even though, at times it seemed the defending team had the upper hand, if the attacker team played it smart, and had better players, then it worked out evenly. So for gameplay, I give this map a 8/10. For it could work better with bomb, and there still was a few problems with the spawning.

    Weapons: Weapons were worked out very nice. But due to the high areas, the BR kind of runs the map. I think BR start IS the best due to this fact. Also because the size of the map and the lack of BR’s around areas that generally see combat. Another thing I noticed, was that a brute shot and the flare are kind of in places that are either hard to get, or people just don’t know they are there unless they stumble upon it. Other than that, the weapons are fine. The laser IMO still kind of overpowered slayer. I think if you made the laser asymmetrical and for symmetrical games you put, maybe a rocket with zero clips or a beam rifle with a higher respawn than the sniper, then it would work out. But for the current weapon system I give it a 7.5/10. (simple because it could be better, and it’d be easy to fix)

    Spawning: The spawns are alright, not the best, in some cases there are times where you’d spawn-under-fire, and other cases where you would be attacking someone and one of their teammates would spawn right next to them and end up killing you (that is kind of a bummer). Those are the two major spawning problems. Other than that, like I said, in 1-bomb the spawns seemed to spawn you too far away from the defenders base if you were on defense. I consider this a minor problem because if you are good at defending you really don’t have to worry about this. But still, it seemed if the attackers planted the bomb and you weren’t around the base, or dead, then you would basically lose that round. I think it’d be better to have spawns closer to the defenders base for bomb so they have at least a better chance of stopping the arm. Either have that, or make a 1-bomb gametype to where the respawn times are lower. See how that plays and if it still is like default 1-bomb then go with adding respawns. For respawns you get a 6/10, because for the most part, they can be improved but there are still some decent things about them.

    Aesthetics and Layout Design: First and for most I love most of the layout. The geomerging and interlocking was really well down and you two did a fascinating job with it. The attackers side had a nice wall, and makeshift-ish base, while the defenders had a decent sized base with three main ways in. The one thing I would do is maybe open up the defenders base a little, that way it isn’t so easily camp-able. I know there are fusion coils in the base, but those aren’t always the best way to prevent camping. For the main places that you did put them though, those were good. Aesthetic-wise this map is alright. It has a basic base with three main ways in it and a few more ways out of it, and once in there are jumps throughout it. The outer staircase like structure was a nifty little ninja way into the base, and the other two ways seem to be a little harder to get in by but it‘s alright. It’s got a neat sniper tower and the middle wall has some nice touches to it to where it’s not just a plain old wall. IMO, the middle wall serves more purpose for the attackers than defenders, but it can be used by both teams effectively. One last thing with the layout and aesthetics was placement of the little barricades. They are placed good to where the warthog (on asymmetrical) can’t really go into the base, and you have to get out of it before you go in, which was pretty neat. But other than that, that’s all they really are there for I think. Because they don’t really help with cover since if you’ve got the higher ground then you can just shoot down upon anyone hiding behind one. So for aesthetics and layout design, I give this map a 9/10. For it’s basic, but awesome layout and decent aesthetics and usefulness of said aesthetics.

    Durability: I know you that you know that this map is escapable, and we both know that is bad and makes this map kind of go down in ranking. I know of one just way to get out and that’s by the sniper tower. But I heard from Insane that there were two other ways out. Relying on the honor system is alright for mini-games and things like them, but as for a competitive map such as this one, then it’s not the best idea to run on the honor system. I know you have limited to no material, but you should at least give it a shot and see if you can rearrange some things to where you do have enough to block of the main area of escape-ability, and also try to see if you can prevent the other two ways by moving things slightly. IMO, it doesn’t matter, but with some people they can use that flaw to their advantage and that just ruins gameplay. So for durability you get a 5.5/10, for the whole fact that you can escape the map.

    Overall: Overall, I think this is a great map, but there are things that can be improved to make it even better. With this review, I hope you take the suggestions I’ve made and take it to heart and not just discard this map like so many others do to there maps that have the title could be better. I would really like to see an updated version of Clive, and if you do make a better updated version then I can for sure seeing it getting featured. So as the current one, overall it is a 7.1/10. But IMO, if you updated it, and the updated version proves to be better in all the areas then this map can well be a 8.5/10. (Oh, and sorry it took me so long to write this up and post it, I was writing this up during commercials… I was watching House.)

    (1,328 words, lulz)​
    Blaze and Insane54 like this.
  14. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Um, Vorpal, I can't give you rep again because it wont let me, but I think you deserve it. Nothing like trying to beat my response. I think I'm going to have to go to a dark corner and cut Good Job.

    Sorry for posting again guys.
    Download the map!
    If you don't, when your 90 and in your death bed, you'll say,"I've done everything I ever could've emagined with my life, but my only regret is never playing that game 'Clive' that that Zachary9990 kid said was so good." And then you would die.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guy, and thanks again for the testing help.

    With regard to Dimmest's comments about the fusion coils, they were indeed added at the watchtower bases in the middle wall, one at either end of the little platform to cover all angles suitably. The rockets and laser were also moved, to those who have suggested it, and we're considering making the laser assymetric only, but now that the attackers have the laser it works better to balance the map, making the defenders position less dominant.
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Whilst I apologize for the lack of serious depth in this post I just thought I'd inform you of my opinion so far.

    Overall the map seems very nice as I haven't played on it. Just a forgethrough and very, very casual 3 Person FFA.

    The overall flow was nice, no awkward positioning and nice choice of weapons. I look forward to some games of Team Slayer on it. Merging was very clean.

    My one concern is that I was able to break the map with quite ease. At the sniper spawn simply hit the power cores as you jump. This propells you into the air. At which point you position yourself to land on the Watchtowerbase on its side and from there proceed to jump out of the map. I was going to film it and upload the video onto my fileshare but I'm sorry because I forgot to.

    But unless you have since fixed that then I have an old version and take back what I said.
    I've re-downloaded it.
  17. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    I understand that Forgehub in general really detests escapability. Considering the fact the map is built on Avalanche i do not think escapability should be given such a heavy weighting that it has been. To alter the escapability of the level would mean adding objects to the Sniper Tower, objects which we simply do not have, we are out of immovable objects. To get objects to use means taking them away from the other buildings and this is likely to be highly detrimental to the balance of the level. By all means if anyone is able to fix the escapability without changing the rest of the level geometry i would be very interested in how you were able to do so. Let me know

    Whilst trying not to sound too sour i would just really like to see future replies without escapability constantly being brought up.
    #17 I SeNTiNeL I, Sep 15, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  18. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    GREAT JOB on the map guys. This should be an inspiration to all other forgers to strive for better creations. Smooth geo-merging, well-planned base strategy, and interesting division. The only thing I would work on is the oversheild/middle wall. Could have been more accessible with another way into the overshield or something. Overall 4.5/5.
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This map has been released for 5 days and I'm just seeing it You need to let me know the next time you're releasing a map of yours! I always love seeing what you're building next. Anyways, It's nice to see the final product Pegasi....this is another wonderful looking map on Avalanche. I cannot imagine how long the barrier walls took you to complete....the thought of doing such a thing send shivers up my spine. Kudos for all the effort there. I look forward to playing on it this weekend, or hopefully tomorrow night. If you happen to be online I'll throw an invite your way.
  20. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    I DL'd i played and i found out that you can excape the map :0 when you go on the cannon thingy you cna go onto the the other side of the sniper tower and then jump down i thought i should just say so then if you have enought items then you can do something

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