For those of you out there who think your GOD look at me Play these drums, i was also singing the music and feeding my dog at the same time. Kinda simple once you get the hang of it. Lawl
It was a joke, thats not me, but i was saying that i could do this while feeding the dog and other stuff. *it was sarcasm*
Wow, I've never seen such fast hands, jeez! I can't play this on guitar to save my life, drums would honestly not be any better. Well, with reaction timing like that we know he can at least dodge bullets. =)
That is pretty cool, but it is probably easier on the drums because they are more beat oriented like that song. Playing the guitar is probably harder. IDK
This was obviously speed up you can tell by watching his wrists. and theres a really choppy part at 3:03 just watch his wrists and you will see what i mean.
That sooo sucked. Get a life. Joke, but it was pretty awesome. What I wonder is why people won't practice it on real life guitar, rather than on that game.
uhm.. he missed a note. fail much? I was so close to being able to beat this song, but then my green button was screwey and i lost at the final part of raining blood, yes which i ahve beated, and i decided to never play it until i got a real guitar. but ive beaten the intro then failed l8r, it was intense. on expert.