Hells, it just more interesting, the other is quite bland. use of c4d is awesome color text i original
You do not suck Core, you just experiment a lot more in the graphics than I do, I usually get stuck to one style I am trying to pull away at the moment.
*Cries* WHYYYYYYYYYY? Alright but you not allowed to even try it until I am comfortable with another style.
well, i like the second one, because of the effect, but i like the first one more. Its simple and looks good. And i love the way its dark in some spots, and light in other spots. i think it could be better with text.
1~2 Smeagle in lead. Also I like how you fixed up your signature Mega. More votes people come on. VOTE FOR HELLS WOOT!
Smeagle for the win of the contest While hell's might look a little better, it's too busy, and the c4d looks weird in some spots. Smeagle's has some very nice lighting and looks very simplistic, which is a plus
Good game Smeagle, I am going to improve my self now, I think I need to. +Rep for you since you won, but I can't give you rep yet, as soon as it lets me you get rep lol. ADMIN OR MOD PLEASE CLOSE THIS THREAD TO PREVENT SPAM!
NOOOOO i was to late to vote for hells wich was becuz i loved his c4d (****in same one everytime) and i find the first one to plain and i disagree on simplicity is the key, thats true sometimes but i dont think this was that sometime...Too Bad I was to LAte. : (
No offense Core, but I think hells should have won. Yours was...just...bland and boring. Although there was a lot going on in Hells, the colors, use of C4D, and everything else was great. In drew in the eye and was interesting.
Well, too bad. I got the most votes, and I won. As for Hells, it was better. But, the people liked mine more.
I iz going for da Hells. It's just 1000000000000000000000000 and 1% better. I like the effects and brighness and contrast whereas Smeagle's look monotone and has hardly any contrast. Also the BG isn't working for me on Smeagle's. Edit: Damn! Too late! ='(
Bit too late, Legacy and Terrax lol... If you guys were 23 hours earlier I would have won lol. Good game anyways, its all fun! ADMIN PLEASE LOCK IF YOU READ THIS!