You're being stereotypical. I used to play as an Elite, and I kicked butt at it. Then I met someone better, who also was an Elite, who kicked MY butt.
Do you really waste your time caring about proper grammer lol maybe I just dont care what I am typing hahahaha you make me laugh please do something better with your life. Dont get me wrong people Im just saying that mostly little kids play as them "Dinosaurs" ya I can understand that there are really good people out there who play as elites.
My Stats Notice the Perfections, Overkills, and Rampages earned in Ranked Playlists. Basically, not always.
Fair enough. Maybe I'll make a thread about how much dumber people who play as Elites are than those who play as Spartans. That'll be doing something much better with my life. BTW-it's "grammar".
Wow. Clearly this isnt even a thread about the elites. It is just you defending yourself from being corrected. You clearly arent loved because you are insulting people who are trying to help.
Ok my rep is way better than yours because if you havent read your rep it says you need a life and I think thats 100% TRUE. Dont get to proud of yours.
That's pretty much it. The Little 8 year old players think it's cool to be an alien, so they paly as one. And unlike in COD4, Little kids are the WORST players ever. But they might just die a lot because they're like me. Rush right in, and hope for a kill before you die... twice.
LOLOLOL MORE -REP from E93(moar like queef93, amirite?) for being a douche? I said no one cares. I'm right, but lets say ur dumb and disagree. I disagree a lot, but i dont -rep. lolololololololol.
Rep? It doesnt say that at all. You sir are making things up. And also I see you tried to give me bad rep. Nice try. When you have red rep it doesnt do anything.
lolwut? I never gave u rep at all. so........ And for me making things up? Latest Reputation Received Thread Date Posted By Comment Are Elite Players Dumb??? 09-10-2008 07:15 PM E93 Quit being a douche. The Forge Hub Status Quo 09-08-2008 01:39 PM NeverlessWonder Incorrect. ORLY/OM NOM/IM IN... 09-07-2008 11:05 AM knight kninja and no. ORLY/OM NOM/IM IN... 09-07-2008 09:32 AM Titmar get that **** outta here MLG Zenith V1.3 08-23-2008 09:06 AM squidhands You have no idea what you're talking about. MLG Zenith V1.3 08-22-2008 09:22 PM Linubidix And you clearyly know nothing of MLG maps. MLG Zenith V1.3 08-22-2008 09:20 PM HITtheLIGHTZ You're ****ing retarded, its completely different. Way to make arrogant comments based on pictures dipshit. Glitch Request 05-03-2008 09:34 PM Nemihara Paradox. I don't understand how, if you're just starting and already trying to be helpful here, have negative reputation. Insulation 05-02-2008 12:02 PM o0 god 0o there isnt much point in saying thank you , he could of said it in apm Yes, see how i LIED: Are Elite Players Dumb??? 09-10-2008 07:15 PM E93 Quit being a douche.
Enough spam. Get back on topic. Take your bitching about rep to the Rep Complaint thread. I notice that I'm the only person who gave you +rep, though that was four months ago.
Ummmm.... no, I'm not dumb, if that is what you are asking. If I were you I would have worded this thread more politely because there are many elite players out there that are just as skilled as spartans. Just because some n00bs want to be a dino doesn't mean that all dinos are n00bs.
Ya I wish I had of worded it more politely maybe I should of said "Are Elite Players Mostley Little Kids" so im sorry for being a jerk I didnt mean to put it in a mean way.
Well then edit your original post please. I think that would make this thread a little more... thought provoking.