a question

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by I No Quarter I, Sep 10, 2008.


Press Y straight away?

  1. Yes, I enjoy the AR

    1 vote(s)
  2. No, I would like to continue the game with my BR

    9 vote(s)
  1. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    hello there, heres a little question thats been bugging me for quite a while now. im sat playing a game that is labelled as "BRs" for example "Slayer BRs", now how many people here just switch straight away to the assault rifle? Often il be in dead screen, see someone spawn and immediatly press Y. If you are one of those people, could you please explain to me why you do this?

    my thanks
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    They do this to use the Assault Rifle, why else?
    The assault rifle takes much less skill than the Battle Rifle does. And the AR is much more suited for close to mid range while the BR is better suited for mid to long range. They do it to use the Assault Rifle.
    I think your question of its called Slayer BRs and you use the AR? is a bit silly, in in king of the hill where is the actual kill, what makes the VIP so important, its just the name of the gametype its not a set of rules.

    I generally use the BR except for closer situations.
  3. I No Quarter I

    I No Quarter I Ancient
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    i apologise if i implied that i expected people to use the BR because of the name of the game. let me clear up what i meant- when you're blessed with a BR from spawn, why change straight away? why not use the superior weapon?
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    It depends on the person really. If they dont feel like using the BR, that's their decision. Perhaps they have bad aim thus the reason for using the assault rifle. Some people just dont like the BR, I dont see why though.
  5. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    The BR is only the superior weapon if you are good with it. As linubidix said the AR is much easier to use and it will beat an AR if you manage to get the jump on someone. When i spawn i always stick to the BR but when the situation is right i will definately swap to the AR to surprise folks.
  6. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
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    I personally Stick with the BR... Most of the time. I mean, if I need to reload my BR, and there's no time, I swap to the AR, but usually I'm a BR person. And in Br's slayer, a lot of people DO swap to the AR, mostly beacuse they just can't use the BR the way most of us more experienced players can. And there's nothing wrong with that, but IMO, The AR shouldn't even be an option in BR'S, simply because If they can't use a BR, they have the option to Veto, and they passed it up. Their Loss.
    The AR, does take less skill mostly beacuse you just aim and shoot. While the BR, you have to aim for the head.

    But you know, Some people are just too lazy to see the BR's Superiority, should they know how to use it. Instead, they just swap to the rapid firing no-skill-required-gun, commonly known as the Assault Rifle. Again; Their Loss.
  7. Reflection

    Reflection Ancient
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    BR pros:

    +it's very win


    -3 bullets per shot
    -Much more useful at longer ranges

    AR pros:

    +Overpowering at close range
    +It can be deadly if used against someone who isn't moving

    AR cons:

    -it blows nuts with accuracy unless you shoot two at a time
    -it looks like a toy

    So I'd go with the BR, simply because I can use one to it's greatest capabilities.
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I actually dont use the assault rifle a lot. When I start a game of BR's I use the br I would never try to kill someone with a AR if they have a BR because I play with good players lol. I usually use the assault rifle to finish someone off if the area we are in is kind of small and heard to br them. But I use SMG's for that to. Another time I use it is when its the only weapon I spawn with and someone is next to me, but I usually sneak away and get a better weapon.
  9. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    The BR and AR is like comparing Automatic and Stick-shift (Manual) Cars. If you use Automatic, it's just easier to use, like the AR. The BR is like a Stick-shift. It's harder to use, but if used properly, performs better.

    I use the BR. It isn't known well, but you can shoot three body shots at a person and a shot to the head, getting similar results to four shots to the head.
  10. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Yeah. That's a real good reason to not use the Assault Rifle.

    I personally like to stick with the BR unless the situation calls for the Assault Rifle, or I need to reload during combat.
  11. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    BR can be better and usually is unless you suck or are on a tiny map. If someones around the corner on my radar i might switch to AR to get a quick beatdown thing but I pretty much always have my BR out. Spartan good analogy too its just like automatic and stick shift

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