
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zombiesteve77, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Zombiesteve77

    Cradle.v2 - 6-12 players (recommended)

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer, Team Duels, Team Swat, King of the Hill (crazy king), Capture the Flag, Tank flag, Assault, Neutral Bomb, Territories, Flag Rally.

    Recommended Gametypes:
    Capture the Flag, Assault, King of the Hill

    Map Description:
    Cradle.v2 is a map inspired from the epic showdown in the classic first-person-shooter Goldeneye, which takes place on an antenna cradle. The symmetrical concept is continued in version 2 by a complex style of levels, multiple stairs, newly added cover areas, clearer team bases and new functions.

    So lets talk about the changes from the first version. They are as follows:
    - The fence walls around the perimeter have been interlocked to improve the aesthetics.
    - All dumpsters have been removed and slip zones have been redone to improve the aesthetics. Each quarter has its slip zone created using only walls, or fence walls to make it look neat and matching. The slip zone design for each quarter opposite each other is the same to improve the symmetrical feel.
    - Probably the biggest functional difference, the death teleporters have been removed to make more use of the bottom quarters. Respawn points have been added to the bottom to make full use of the map size and reduce spawn killing.
    - Probably one of the biggest strategic changes to the map, new tunnel structures have been added to both sides of the cradle to reduce spawn killing and add spots where you can take cover from fire and recover. Doors have been interlocked on the edges in places on the walking platforms to add places you can take cover.
    - Shield doors have been added to the top sections on both sides to reduce spawn killing and to make them look more like team bases. Oversheilds and camos have been interlocked into the team bases to correspond to the team colour to improve the aesthetics.
    - The rocket launcher and snipers have been removed as they dominate the map too much, along with being too powerful. In the rocket launcher’s place is a shotgun, with a longer respawn time may I add.
    - The overshield has been removed due to it being too close to the power weapon above. An active camo power up has replaced the overshield to add to the strategy side of the map. Please note that the camo will not respawn at the start.
    - All fusion coils have been removed from the bottom quarters to make more use of the map and to reduce lag.
    - The small room at the bottom of the map has been made slightly bigger and teleporters interlocked into A or B doors teleport you on top of either tunnel structure. The A doors teleport you to the labelled A tunnel top. The same applies for the B doors.
    - The placement of weapons has been changed. Plasma grenades, SMGs and Magnums have been added.

    Phew! I think that’s all of it. As you can see, ive been very busy making lots of improvements to create Cradle.v2, the final version. Now for some screenshots.

    A side: Red Team Base

    B side: Blue Team Base

    Shooting through the tunnel gaps

    Use the tunnels to your advantage. Your BR skills will be tested

    Plasma grenade coming your way. Take cover!

    Where does this A door take me?

    The A: Side! Use this to your advantage. The B doors take you to the B: Side.

    Bomb taken



    Top overview map

    Inside tunnels and bottom details map


    *Download Cradle.v2*
    #1 Zombiesteve77, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  2. Hamstring07

    Hamstring07 Ancient
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    Congratulations, an amazing map! man I love it when people put good maps on the forums, some times it takes ages, you've left the others behind! Great aesthetics, great gameplay. 5/5
  3. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    It looks like you fixed up all of the flaws from v1 like the the lack of cover, overpowered-ness of the sniper rifles and fairly useless floor.
    I really like the window panel tunnel and the map looks like it'll play a lot better with a usable floor

    Good job
  4. DarkStar

    DarkStar Ancient
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    I agree with everyone but it dose look like you can get up to the top platforms by jumping but still you get a 5/5.
  5. theshf

    theshf Ancient
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    This is really great! i've yet to download it and check it out but i certainly will.
    Your staircases and multi-leveling are really good. I do have a question though, how did you do the 2D layout of the map with all the items and etc. i'd like to earn how to do that.

    5/5. excellent! i'd love to see more
  6. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    nice, you did what i told ya!
    nice upgrading of the map 10x better than original
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    two things.

    1. please remove the [final version] from your title. it is against the rules to have anything more than the name of the map, and v2 or whatever version you're on.

    2. this is just a suggestion, but alot of people still use the old school skin... which has an offwhite background... the new skin has a dark grey background. please find a suitable color for your text that will show on either. white and yellow dont work for old school. that is your choice though. some people will just be too lazy to highlight.
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    4.5/5, the fencewalls could be more neat.
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i like this personally i think it would of been good for the two on two event and also one and one, cool map
  10. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Wow, significant improvements over the old one, i like the new cover rooms in their and the shield rooms up top, this map looks like a good slayer/teamslayer map

  11. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
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    Thank you for that unhelpful comment. If you didnt read, they have been neatened from the previous version. Also note that this is in the competitive board, not the aesthetics.
  12. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    this looks ultra clean.
    the fence wall on v1 were hard to look at. these ones look sweet.
    alot of interlocking is always good
    altho i dont see any geomerging
    post is clean so ill give you
  13. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Woah, this map is epic. I don't know why but it sorta reminds me of Buddha Crane's "Distortion". It also reminds me of the painting of all of the stairs going in odd directions, I do not know why. The layout is very cool. I really like it.

    EDIT: As a reply to pinohkio's post, a map does not need geomerging to be good, sometimes a map just does not require it.
  14. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
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    Its funny you should say that. I am a fan of Mc Escher. "Relativity", (the lithograph you described) is one of my favourites of his works. Maybe it was forging from my subconcious thoughts. Glad someone noticed :)
  15. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Excellent map! Your interlocking is nearly flawless! However i did not see versions 1 or 2 i'm guessing by everyone elses comment that this version is a lot better. 2 things though before i rate you. One the shotgun looks a bit overpowring if they just camp at a base. And two, anyone notice that this looks alot like midship from halo 2? Oh, well intentional or not good map! 4.5/5

    Keep Forging!
  16. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    pretty awsome
    i like the bwolish yet stright feel to the map
    curvey in some parts, stright in others
    mabey not shiled doors with a shotgun....
    i like the bottom level though, without it the mpa would be severly crippled
  17. DarkStar

    DarkStar Ancient
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    what i meant was from one of the sideways doors to the sniper platform.
  18. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This one is alot better then the first one, I love how you made the Teleporter "door".
    Though you didn't fix those Fence Walls.
  19. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
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    I'm not following you.
  20. biscuit127

    biscuit127 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks amazing... The shape of the map is really cool, I can't wait to play on it. 5/5 and DL

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