Hey guys, with school arriving, we have had some of our members bid us farewell and become weak in the MLG Department. We previously had 2 generals, an amazing lvl 47, and a great sniper/team-player, but unfortunately, the 2 generals left because of school issues, and the lvl 47 left mostly because the other 2 left. Luckily, we still have the sniper/great team-player. ANYWAYS, We are looking for members to be apart of our team, but this isn't just some normal team looking to become pro. When you want to join this team, you join our big community (clan) KJI. Basically, you have to go through 4 things to be "in". Change your emblem, register on our site, abide rules (rules: No sexism/drama/trash talking etc. etc.) and change your motto. We are a growing community, that hopefully you will love! I sure do! I am not saying this because I am in it, but because it has come so far. It was created in November 2007, and although we may not have 1000+ members, we DO have 100+ great quality members. So, if you are interested in becoming apart of our clan/MLG Team, please fill in the following application. Gamertag:____________ Highest Skill:_____________ Rank:_______________ Callouts (do you use them/know them): Y/N History: Have you been on a team before? Thankyou! ~Myztic
GONZO212 43 Colonel Yes/Yes UPG But I don't want to join if I don't do anything, like in my last clan where we only had five members and I was better than two of them, yet they still never let me join a GameBattle, so send Private Message if I actually get to do something.
You don't have to worry about that. We already have a few people that will be on the team. Once we can get you on the actual team, you will be playing on GameBattles etc. So yea, don't worry about not doing anything, we have numerous events now and then. So yea, I will be sure to talk to the others!
im interested GT:mlg 4 sh0tt highest skill:50 K/D:1.24 snipekills/headshots:157/88 mic:yes callouts:know them all and repond to them if possible exp: ive been on a team once b4 but after loosing to a rival team they decided to split... can change my motto:yes emblem:yes follow the rules:yes if i get in and join a team i will also put something in my GT such as KJI mlg 4 sh0tt as an example, school is going on for me to but i still believe i want to join, so il add u and hit u up sometime.