Really nice effects but it is very monotone and the light source is in the wrong place. The light on the guy is coming from the top right and you have the light source in the top left. Not sure about the composition either, his face is dead centre which usually makes sigs look awkward. Search rule of thirds on wikipedia or something, tis useful for getting good composition.
Thanks, at least someone commented xD, and I knew I screwed up with the light source when I had finished. Will fix that up. And I'll trial and error his position.
Like Mallet said, the effects are really good. I don't really care for the text though. Maybe move the 'stoj' down a few ticks, so it lines up with the hellgate.
Amazing signature pal...Minus the lighting lol. The text is really good the effects are clean and it all has a very modern monotone look to it, VERY NICE! Am I allowed to +rep for skills lol?
I iz really likeing it but I must ask... Did you use a tut. Cuz I saw a sig that looked a lot like this on a tut site. But anyway it's a great sig but yeah lighting is off. Anyway good job!