Don't! 09-07-08 " come on buddy, we will make it through this. don't go towards the light... the light... dont...... I cant do it alone.......... " Please rate, discuss, dl.
The position of the dead Spartan looks pretty good. Also from the ODST one. Nice screensho huntaro. =]
Nice camera position. It looks really dramatic. The dead Spartan died in just the right way. You used the lower weapon code, no? It look like there may be filter(s) too. Final score: 5/5
thanks, yea i did use the weapon lowering code. when you look at the ODST helmet does that spartan look sad? Or is it just me?
Nah it's you. The ODST helmet does look sad, or just that it looks like he would have his eyebrows frowned.
The way the spartans are positioned is good. I love the captions, it seems realistic and touching :'(. Good Shot.
I think you should try killing the spartan with a melee or something so his arms flail up. Through some trial and error I've gotten a spartan with his hands on his head once. Keep taking screens, you have some really good screens.
I just HAD to be listening to a sad song when I saw this, huh? That's pretty cool. The two Spartans should have had different armor, though. You should make a Machinima with this scene in it! :3 Good screen. 5/5.
I like how the camera is in the grass looking over and the less colourful lighting .. And it would be more epic if you used the colourblind effect =] Would of looked more sad and depressing ..