Okay, what's the best video game credits/theme song. If you asked me, I would say the Mass Effect theme song, but I want to hear your opinion. Discuss. WHEN WE HAVE ENOUGH SONGS, I'LL MAKE A NEW THREAD WITH A POLL! Also, it would be coolio if you could add a youtube video link with the help of our nifty Youtube thing.
I'm guessing it would be guitar hero. I haven't played every game yet but knowing that the game consists of awesome rock music it would probably be first. Wait! I don't even think that guitar hero has a game credits theme song!
I am guessing that game is supposed to be easy? Beat it on my first try lols, and also I think Portal's song is the best.
The Hell Marches from Red Alert 1 and 2. One Final Effort and Mjolnir mix from Halo. The Device has been modified and Still Alive from Portal.
Everyone is going to say portal. It is so full of winsauce http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
Passion (the slow version) by utada Hikaru. This song was great as a Theme song as well as a credit song to Kingdom Hearts 2. Simple and clean is my favorite one, From Kingdom Hearts 1...
Im surprised that Final Fantasy has not come up. Many of them have amazing music and are quite epic scores.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOrDRVwBMP4That music is so awesome, it sticks in your head if you've beaten it so many times. Oh, if BioShock had end credits, it'd be my favorite. The soundtrack for that game was amazing! Also, the Call of Duty 4 end rap is pretty cool... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D-iQGnJ5f0&fmt=18
Yep. Portal. It may seem like I'm just following anybody but the only reason that's what everybody is saying is cause it's so damn awesome. They even made a track for Still Alive on Rock Band.
Um, how about the crazy solo song that halo uses! That song is great! I cant think of the name tho anyone know what it is?
PORTAL ALL THE WAY! sorry for caps, but i love that song! its cool, weird, and freaking awesome all at the same time. and i also forget to mention funny.
Dead rising was good, but portal was too. Idk. I don't have most of these games people are mentioning.
Metroid prime 1 That music Kicked ass I spent hours online trying to find an MP3 download, and i finnaly got it!
The Mass Effect end song (M4 Part II), the Metal Gear Solid 3 credits track and the Shadow of the Colossus ending song.