Ok people, im pretty sure you guys notice that when you play matchmaking or any other type of game that the elites always dies first or there just plain dumb....to me there like the #1 Target. What do you think?
not exactly. Ive played pro elites before. I think its just cuz little kids think its cool to have a "dinosaur" as playable. LOL
Meh, it depends. In SWAT if you're an elite people will call you a n00b if they are pro-spartan and pro-SWAT... but it's clear that being an elite in SWAT is to have an advantage over a non-elite. But if it wasn't SWAT then in most cases it is either a little kid, or a dimwitted person. But that's about 75% of the actual elite users. I prefer spartan, but I can still do alright with the elite. So the only real logically chose is "sometimes." Because, it really depends on the person using it. Not every elite user is good, but then again not every elite user is bad.
Dinosaurs FTW! Just kidding. I've noticed the elite problem too, but I do see some pro elites. I really hate them on SWAT, and I don't want to stoop to their level. They get on my nerves :irritated:
I dunno. They can both be assholes. I liked the Halo 2 Elite model better than the Halo 3 version, but that's about it. It annoys me when people complain about Elites.
Actually now that you mention it, the majority of elites that I have played have been little kids. Stupid Dinosaurs...
No, well not always. Talking about SWAT, I once joined a party of three that were playing SWAT and I noticed that they were all Elites! They told me I had to switch to an Elite. I refused politely because I would rather be a spartan and I play better that way anyway. And guess what they did? They booted me from the party because they thought I would drag down the team. Later that day: I played SWAT with them and they all went -3 at least. I was a spartan and I went +12. They decided they would not boot me after all. Also, Elites make cool screenshots. The... ascetic... (I think thats what it's called...) The one with little spikes on the sides. The glowing eyes... sweet.
Elites could be anyone. A Pro guy could just decide to be an Elite for a game. Would that make him stupid?
Well, really, this is basically like asking "Are Spartan Players Dumb???". The answer to that is sometimes. Both types are going to have idiots and functional people playing as them....
By no means are "all" Elites bad and/or stupid. Look at me and my clan. Elite players, in general, probably have the same bad to good player ratio. The only reason it seems like most Elites are bad, little kids is because those are the ones that stick out. You'll remember them because a) they are Elites and b) because they are little, screaming kids. Combining the two makes them stand out more that just one or the other.
I play as spartan or elite, but other than that, this is just another "elite flaming" thread. Elites are elites, to me, you focus on the elites in game to see if they suck. It's possible that there were "spartan" players that came in last place other then an elite. What I am trying to say is, it doesn't matter if you are an elite or not, it's the players own personal skill with the game itself.
Honestly, what's the big ****ing deal about choosing one player model over another? It's a only game, and they're only player models. There is absolutely no correlation between the player and the character model.
I don't really care, they're just looks But from a competitive point of view Elites are much harder to kill in SWAT and are slightly harder to BattleRifle against. I personally think there should only be spartans, with more armour permutations. That would make it a level playing field for everyone. MLG tournaments ban use of elite armor.
Making fun of me and others eh? Yavi is an elite and you are calling him dumb. And did you happen to come across pink elites at all because that will explain it. Pirates with Cowboy hats...
Elites are usually little kids as stated before, because they like to play as "dinosaurs" rofl. I personally don't like the way they sound when they die, and they just look like Barney compared to the spartans. In official MLG i'm pretty sure you can only play as a spartan because otherwise you are too hard to hit from the back and too easy to hit from the front.
Pretty ironic that you're talking about "dumb" when you don't know the difference between 'there' and the contraction 'they're' (they are). How many times is an ignorant topic similar like this been brought up?