Magnanimity Magnanimity is A basic fighting area, made for 1v1 sniping Or 1v1 Battles. The Map Is called Magnanimity because is A quality of Magnanimous witch Is Noble. So the Name Means Noble. The Basics Of the Map is horseshoe Like ring Then an Under Belly Of the Horseshoe. Then A thin Bridge connecting the 2 end of the horseshoe. Now Some ...Pics Enjoy Main View Horseshoe Hallways Underbelly Looking Back Overview Download link
Wow. This is delicious. I love the horseshoe thing, and I also love the steps. The only complaint I have is that in the picture, the ghost is crooked. I'm very annoying when it gets to things being slightly off centered, lol.
The map looks great. For somebody new to forgehub this is a very impressive map. The layout seems fun and interlocking and geomerging especially at the horseshoe looks great. The only thing i disagree with is the ghost. Doesn't really seem like the much room to move around in. Great Job. I will dl and give you a full review. BTW-I gave you +rep for embedding your pictures and having a legit map.
horse shoue idea is great looks kinda sloppy interlocking, but its breable... nice placemtn of soft objects teh fencewalls near teh gost are unneded, dont add to map mabey an anti gost weapon? looks escapable over that door with a nade jump in the lokoing back pic
The map looks very well made and good looking, Has nice interlocking, But one problem, DOWNLOAD LINK IS'NT WORKING!! The map deserves a 4.2/5, I will come back later if the download link starts to work.
The map looks fun to play on, but two questions. First is there anything to counter the ghost? and it looks a little big to play 1vs1 but im not relly sure if there is any hallways or anything to get around in the back and the sides.
This map definately looks up to par. I shall give you a DL because it just looks so entertaining. But, like someone above me said, those fence walls on the ground really look out of place. No need for them. And to Extreem who said the interlocking looked a little sloppy, I think it's just fine, but there is one pic that doesn't give it justice. The second one, I think? Also, where is the underbelly? This really interests me but I don't know quite what it is. And are there any side hallways hidden from the pics?
well to answer Some Questions. Theres plasma Pistols to Stop the Ghost. The Download Link Works. And The Fence Wall Are Sort Of Needed For the reason that without them You can't smoothly walk Up The ramp.
For being new, this is a great map! I could see having some epic battle rifle battles in here. Somewhat reminds me of, um what's it called, its a new map thats for BR warmups....crap I can't remember. Only thing I don't understnad is why someone would use the ghost, but I guess it would be fun, and in the end, that's all that matters. Good map 4.5/5 Love, Zachary9990
Well planned out and pretty clean. I might even go to far as to say a 2v2 would probably work better or even an FFA. But nothing makes a map better than making it look unique and, by it's set up, unforged (doesn't look made in forge). 4/5
This is a very promising looking map. Great looking floor plan, with no areas to really camp that I can see in the pics. I don't know why you insinuate that it is limited to 1v1 games though. It looks like it could very easily suit 3v3 or 5 player FFA. The ghost would be the one things I can see limiting the number of players. It would get incredibly crowded and end up with lots of splatters for whoever gets in the ghost. Maybe remove it a replace it with a power up or equipment. I'll come back with a more knowledgeable post once I've played on it though and see if anything really does need changing. Also, your download link is not done properly. It should be hot linked using [ url ] [ /url ]tags without the spaces inside the [ ].
i downloaded this a little bit ago, and got a quick small game in on it. The forging is well done, and the layout is great for gameplay... but the only concern that comes over me is that the ghost is horribly out of place. It was used once, easily destroyed and then no one wanted to use it... and it just sat there. i recommend taking the ghost out and replacing it with a weapon to fight over. additionally, action pics and a weapons list may get you some more attention.
Is there any geomerging at the horseshoe? The boxes aren´t even touching the ground, are they? Am I wrong?
Sorry to tell you this but the download link still is'nt working!! Unless you want people to copy the download link and paste it onto another tab. =\ I don't think people will like to do that.
there you go its fixed. I did'nt Know you people Liked That way. I thought You liked It coded and Clean.