That was actually a last-minute add-in. Before, there was tower for the human sniper (nothing like the beam rifle tower). I decided that having two snipers took away from the whole "every fort being different" thing so I changed it. It seems like everyone's glad I did too.
Thanks for all the comments guys. I hope you guys are downloading it though haha. make sure you get the map AND the gametype. the map currently has more DL's than the gametype.
Well the open areas are the "no-man's lands". only go into there for weapon recon and be sure to have a vehicle. going on foot would be suicide cause the infection is so fast. the humans should goto a base and prepare for the attack of the aliens.
thanks. it goes under the radar mainly because it's originality comes from the gameplay, not aesthetics. There's nothing people see that makes them instantly consider it great. But everyone who has played it has loved it.
Looks pretty good! Love the story behind the map and how you used all of Avalanche! The ship looks nice to! Downloaded!
Thanks, but in reality, the ship is a piece of crap. I had a good one but my best friend accidentally deleted the whole thing ! lol. So I quickly put together a crap one. Most people criticize the open space but that's because humans are meant to establish camp.
Thanks. There actually is a decent amount of interlocking. The spots that aren't interlocked simply couldn't be interlocked, or weren't because they wouldn't affect the gameplay. Plus, there isn't too much interlocking that could be done. This is avalanche with some different structures spread out; not one of those maps that completely deform avalanche(not in a bad way). I played this with a big party the other day and can gladly say that many of the flaws are fixed in version 2. Bases are also balanced. In v1, the smart people would grab a shotty and camp the long bridge. Now there is a 'mounted' tank under the sentinel beam spawn and the main bases are a bit more fortified. The sniper platform is more like a tower so it provides better shelter. Also, the zombie spawn is contained so they can't get out before the correct time. Version 2 is just so much better in my opinion. Still working on some parts though.
It looks fun for infection with the multiple places, it looks balanced as well which is a plus. it looks a bit open tho which is fine if u have mongeese. I like the story and name of the map, and just for that i give it a 4.5/5
As I've said before, it's open because it's meant for the humans to choose a base and stick together. If they don't, then it's very easy for a zombie to pick them off in the open.
Version 2 will be released very soon! It is currently in the testing/editing stage. Send me a FR if you wanna help test it. Some new features in the map: mounted tank under sentinel beam zombie spawn=inescapable before timer (unless humans opt to release them) Blue/Red bases=better protection less open area shotgun bridge=weaker-- this was edited because the shotgun bridge was easily the best camp Some more scattered weapons mini/temporary camps Signature(??) it gets even darker when zombies are released. zombies now wait a minute for release(instead of 45 sec. NOTE: this may change) many more!