Trapzilla Download map: here Download gametype: here Gametypes: This map is set up for Slayer, CTF, assautlt, and King of the Hill Trapzilla is a large, symmetrical map made up of 3 stories. I built it across the whole level of Foundry when when I wanted to see who reads these things and who is simply spamming. Really, this is not a real map thread. I'm just curious who will reply to this post with things like "looks good, downloading" and spam like that. All of the following pictures are from various maps by myself and the community. If another mod or staff member deems this thread to be inappropriate or spam, please feel free to lock it. But I thought this would be an interesting experiment. Anyone who has read this far can show their dedication to this community by posting, "this map FTW" or "Trapzilla is an awesome map." If anyone posts something other than that, we can all assume they did not read this thread and they are a spamming waste of space. Then we ridicule them via PM, and say things like, "stop spamming the map forums." Please only post once so me and other mods don't get mad for spamming. I might lock this thread if we don't trap any spammers, but for now I like the idea. Thanks. Anyway, here are the screenshots. Remember, in the games that I played on this map I really pwned a lot of people who did not know what they were in for. Thanks for reading and thanks for downloading.
Are you mentally incapacitated? Furious I love this design, and I especially like how it could fit more than one variant/gametype. The middle trench is well done too, neat, and not thrown together. I would say this is the best map I've seen all week. Nicely done.
I agree, Furious, this is the best map you will ever make. You might as well retire now, you know, go out on top and all.... Trapzilla Rocks! It's got all the best aspects of different kinds of maps, all in one! Amazing! I've played a few games on this and the only nitpicky thing I can say is you might have had better luck findng your target audience if you had been more creative. I saw a map featured not long ago that has a trench similar to yours. So, map awesomeness = 10. Map originality = 6
Wow, you've really cleaned this map up since the version I played. It was great then, but it's pretty much sex-incarnate now. Remember when you were trying to run me over with a mongoose and I hot-boxed you with a trip-mine inside a bubble shield? Awesome. Everyone should DL this map now.