Humans or Dinosaurs? You choose!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FirstXboxKid, Aug 25, 2008.


Dinosaur(Elite) or Human?

  1. Humans

    18 vote(s)
  2. Dinosaurs

    10 vote(s)
  1. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You guys need some legitimate web hosts. Because all I ever see, is blah blah your **** is out of bandwidth, loser.

    Anyway, Elites are better. Because when you play Halo, all you ever hear is how pro you are.
  2. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I never actually posted my opinion in this thread...but anyways, Dino's look rather...retarded...and imho, there is no difference in the headshots (the area of the head of a human is the same of a dino), so since dinos look like morons, I'd have to say that humans are much, much more win.
  3. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    I kind of liked the Halo 2 Elites better. It was badass when they picked up the Sword and were like RAWR!
    But I frequently change my player model from Spartan to Elite, so I like both armor choices.
  4. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    oh, people get to vote for either the kind of people that get the nickname "a frickin dinosaur", and the kind of people that get nicknames like "fathead", "fat helmet", and "fatass", and they vote for the fat ones?! That isn't right...Imma give a scrumptious raisin-free cookie to anyone who votes for the leets. *gives you a peek at cookie jar and you are instantly blinded by the dazzling cookie light. congratulations ,you just got bribed and owned by a cookieleet* etlites ftw.

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