
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DRiSCOLL, Sep 9, 2008.


    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by DRiSCOLL
    players - 4 - 10
    gametypes - slayer - team suited best
    Odd ball variant
    Capture the flag - multi flag suited best


    Pleymo is a large map with almost everything geomerged. The overall flow is great and unlike allot of maps with great aesthetics, it creates its own style of game play that will leave you playing for hours and hours on end. The structures are formed in many great teqniquies and styles, including my own. From the pictures it looks as if there are big spaces but a video and more screenshots will be aded shortly so that you get the a better idea, or you can download and try yourself.

    There's a lot of detail and decoration you might say, even behind the fence boxes, that are blocking it off. There's a good amount of cover, the weapons are spread equally and its at this moment impossible to get out (till proven wrong)​

    so enjoy the map and don't forget to comment Rate Download


    x2 Sniper rifle - 60 second
    x4 battle rifle - 30 second
    x2 assault rifle - 20 second
    x2 mauler - 45 second
    x2 needler - 45 second
    x2 Smg - 30 second
    x1 Rocket launcher - 60 second​

    x1 bubble shield - 60 second​

    x4 plasma grenade
    x4 spike grenade
    x2 frag grenade​












    #1 DRiSCOLL, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2008
    STEClash96, KB and monkeyrantz like this.
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Wow, Driscoll, I did'nt expect you to post a map, (Not saying it's bad) But I can't remember the last time you posted a map. This is really nice, I'll download come back with a review later. 4.6/5 for now.

    EDIT: The map has VERY nice gameplay for a 3 v 3 match. =] I liked all the merging and interlocking. So it's a 5/5 from me.
    #2 STEClash96, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    very nice map driscol
    the geomerging is excelent, very neat and clean
    the interlocking is neat, though some angles still look to cause bumps
    i like the combo of movable and imovabe objects
    i like the fencewall wall
    i know you said this maps alla bout teh gameplay, but if you ahve money and objects left, it wouldnt hurt to make a v2 with some clean up and astetic touches
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    S'mazing Dude! The third picture really caught my attention with it's building of double boxes as steps. I'm saving this thread so I can download later! Lovin the pipe look and the great cover that you put into this map! 4.9/5 because you forgot to merge that wall in picture one.
  5. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    nice job merging was great
    interlocking great
    weapon spawn great
    looked alot like rib cage...

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the comment, by the way impulse, that was posted about 2 wees ag so it wasn't that far away but thanks for the comment. just wait till you play it

    i agree, but its how i took the screenshot, theres allot of aesthetics and structures coming in from the left but i ran out of space, but tomorrow is going to add a video and more pics if that helps, but thanks for comments

    thanks for the comment and the slanted boxes were the most time consuming, i can see some saying i coppied blaze with it but that wasn't my intention, at first it looked nothing like but i deleted something and it came out like it so... in the first picture the wall is geomerge. you can see that the fence wall is normal and the wall is about half the size.

    thanks everyone for the comment
  7. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Sorry, when I refer to the pictures, I am not talking about the photo shopped one. I should have mentioned that before...So the first picture that I am referring to is this wall.

    EDIT: Yo, I'm not stupid. I was talking about how '2' is popped out. Don't get all angry, just helping to get the map perfect.
    #7 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the cmt and concern
    heres a edeted pic to help you


    1. is geomerged, the fence wall isnt, you may notice with the sixe differance

    2. its not ment to be on the ground, its supposed to sepperate that box

    3. isnt a wall its a box but its geomerged allot so that itsquite far in the ground

    again thanks for your cmt, post again if you have any other problem
  9. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    i looked at this map, and i gotta say, its pretty nice. i dont know what i like so much about it, but, great job with it.
    it could be the aesthetics, it could be the possibilities of this map, or it could be me.
    DRiSCOLL likes this.
  10. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Looks really cool. The interlocking is great and there's alot of it. I also like the shape of the map. you didn't do just a square you actually gaver the map a forn/ feeling. Great job.
  11. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    nice unique design i think its very iterlocked and geomerged i can never get boxs to go like almost all the way in to the ground everytime i do it i can only get it 2 "doors" down.
  12. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    wow, dude this looks sweet, but the half arches, I THOUGHT OF THAT and now im all D:< and i demand that you take your map out. ok, im just kidding, mine are a bit different, (although theyre basically in the same spot.......) but everything looks really nice, and im a big fan of insane geomreging, and structures like you have. ill wait till i can get a game on it to give you the full review, had my face drowned in homework lately. but it looks fantastic, and im sure it plays as good as it looks.
  13. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    I think he was talking about how #2 is a little further left than the box its on (in). On with the map. It has some very impressive features like the pipe thing into the wall and the stairs out of boxes (which is hard ive tried) Youve got my dl keep forgin
  14. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    This map is great!
    All the maps you post are very good .. I personally prefer horizon but this is good ..
    The tunnel bit is nicely interlocked and looks very good ..
    The box stairs are very nice ..
    And this map is amazing when its 3v3 capture the flag ..!
    Nice job and i can't wait for your next map =]
  15. KB

    KB Ancient
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    I originally saw this map when he was in the process of making it. Now that I have seen it finished, it looks amazing! This is a really great map (possibly feature worthy). Driscoll puts out amzing maps. Great interlocking and geo-merging, gameplay runs really great on this, the weapon spawns are good and human spawns are greater. Excellent job DRiSCOLL! Job well done!
  16. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    looks like a good map

    great job 7/10
  17. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    why thank you, its true i showed you the early stage, and im glad to see you liked it. Feature worthy, thinks it means allot. the geomerging took some time but its great to see you liked it.

    hopefully when im making a video for it you can be included for the game part, thanks for comment

    yes i felt interlocking it a bit down would look a bit neater and i know its ab it to much forward but it doesn't change the game play or destroys the aesthetics so... but thanks for your concern and cmt

    ps. new screenshots have been aded
  18. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Wow. This map looks like everyother map I have seen on forgehub, put into 1! That is NOT a bad thing :D The geomerging looks great, a little sketch in someplaces, but I don't think it will affect gameplay. Your weapon layout looks pro. This map looks amazing! Can't wait to try it.
  19. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Beautiful, yet flawed.

    I can imagine that the main focus of this map is meant to be its unique structures. The interlocking/ geomerging and aesthetics are marvelous. I like how everything is easily accessible, sometimes too accessible. I'm not sure if your aware of this, but you can reach the upper structures via grenade jump (sometimes not even). From there, you can break out of the level completely with another grenade. Check out my File Share slot 2 (titled BREAK) for a video on how I got out.

    Anyways, as I was saying, I'm a big fan of the aesthetics and structures of Pleymo. I recognized some pieces the resembled Ribcage, and other popular sections like the dumpsters atop the deeply interlocked box. Some parts, though, appeared to be completely unique compared to anything I've seen before.

    Overall, this is an excellent map that looks and feels awesome.
    Final Score: 5/5
    DRiSCOLL likes this.

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