Names BodaciousBo. Bo is a nickname of mine that a lot of people use and I'm just down right Bodacious:lol:. Downloaded a lot of the maps here and just decided to join after I saw you guys do tourneys and really I just felt like joining.. I enjoy College Football and beer pong(only sport I'm good at.). I'm 18 and just started school at OBU(Oklahoma Baptist University). That's it pretty much. My gamertag is BisonBo and if I'm not busy I'm always down to play.
Welcome to ForgeHub Bodacious! This is definately a great site for finding insane maps and even posting some yourself too. I'm a pretty new member as well and so far everyone here has been legit and actually taken time to review your map, and not just give the old "This map is tah suxz0rs!" reply.
They're a good team. Top 15 for sure. If they can keep it up then maybe a top 10 team. They beat two good teams from the two weakest conferences.
Hey bobobo, what's up. Have a good time here. Just remember to read the rules so people don't kill you here. Happy Forging!