This is Swat Elevate ( : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing) . A map that i made specifically for swat. It basically has an MLG feel to it except there is no weapons (because there are none on swat) and there are spots where just your head can stick out so it is hard to shoot you. Here are pictures of the map And here are the action shots That is it please rate and comment I am also making two more swat maps at the time and when i am done with them i am going to put all three maps together for one map pack Swat Elevate : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing If you think i should make an mlg map out of this pm me and I will put weapons in and such and i will post it
Looks great. I love swat so this is a definate dl. Neat structure in picture 2. Great job with the interlockin. Looks very interesting and well made. Nice job! =)
Retarded? First, this map looks very nice, tight and symmetrical, but that's not why I'm posting. In picture 6 there, what look like, wooden beams and platforms similar to a boat dock. I might be retarded right now, but I have no idea what that is or what it is doing on Foundry. Please help.
Wow. i love that when people find simple neat tricks to make cover how well it looks in the end. I like how you used the corner wall pieces so many different ways. I especially find it nuts that i never thought to merge it with and open box to make that type of cover. The interlocking as a whole seems smooth from these photos. on that last shot... how is blue behind that double box? and i like how you used the window panels. well done. I'll give a more thorough review once i DL and play. Edit: I was first DL' and rating xD yay.
wow thislooks...great i love a good swat map and its hard to find one. this is one of the good ones. i love how it looks like you can sneak around 5/5 great map
looks very good, mabey some more pics of the sides of the map looks like fun, always love mlgish swat maps to many barriers in my opinion, nice inerlcoking, like the use of the stairs
those would be the tops of the walls. as for the map its really good but i like small cqb maps for swat, not open maps like this. 4/5 tho because i cant include my personal preferance. it would be to bias.
Definite DL. The map layout is very aesthetically pleasing as well as it appears to be very playable. I love SWAT. It has the best strategy evah! I also like those little shooting areas with the window panels as well.
this looks better as a mlg map, not swat, in my opinion, swat should be close quarters. but judging it as an mlg map, id give it a 4/5, its got decent cover, and the arena style which so many mlg maps have
if you go in the window pannel i left it so you can go back there and jump out and surprise someone in that spot
It is the top of the corner wall i just took a really close picture of it but i see where your getting thats idea
At first, I was kindof iffy on whether or not this looked good, but as I scrolled down it became more win. Some aesthetic features might help, as it looks somewhat bare, but other than that, good job, keep on going with SWAT maps.
Well all i have to say is that if you dont like it as a swat map then dont comment because your personal preference hows the map itself not what it should be for