
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Created by: Adelyss

    A body of traditional beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject.


    This ruin once thought a myth will now be turned into a bloodbath.

    Download Mythos

    Youtube Video

    A video of some gameplay on Mythos. Thank you RPAL for taking the time to make this for me. I am the blue guy in Security, all first person action was took from RPAL's prospective.


    Mythos makes a whole new word for small competitive maps, with very few bad spawns on such a small map it gives Mythos wonderful gameplay. Mythos was created over a period of about three weeks, with me starting it out with the basic ring around the center I thought i'd never be able to pull off such a small map that gives gameplay a kick. While crafting the basic layout I got most of it done when loosing interest in the map as I thought to myself is such beautiful Aesthetics worth the amount of time to get rid of every little bunch and loose every little render flick. The answer was yes. There was times I thought also that would it be possible to make a top level above the center pit and after messing around with bridges and other forge Items I soon was able to place a smooth surface above the pit. Now that you have a little background of it let me take you through a walkthrough of the map.

    The basic layout of the map is a center pit that has a multi-level ring around it that goes from ground floor (Ring level 1) to geo-merged boxes (Ring level 2) to normal height of boxes (Ring level 3) . Lets start at the Pit, from here if your looking to the bottom Mauler you have four choices.

    1. Go straight under the box arch and grab the grav-lift if its there to shoot you up to the top mauler where the mauler spawns. Now you can walk down the bridge to the top pit or the ramps that take you to ring level 3 or ring level 2

    2. Take a right and head up the geo-merged stairs which brings you to the Ring level 2. From here you can take a right which will take you to the glowing hallway or you can take a left which will take you to a ramp that takes you to either the Mauler or the Top Pit.

    3. Take a left and jump up on a fencewall then jump up to the Ring level 3. After reaching Ring level three you have three choices take a left and another sharp left which will take you to Top Pit, you can take a left and head on over to the Top Storage room or bottom Storage Room (If you take the top way you will be led back around to Top Pit [ If you go to the bottom you will be led to the Glowing Hallway or you can jump into a single open box which will bring you to the Pit]). Finally you can take a right which will lead you up to a ramp that takes you to the Mauler or the Top Pit.

    4. Turn around completely and jump into the open single box which will direct you to either two ways. One, Take a left after exiting and it will lead you to the Glowing Hallway which will then take you to Ring Level 2 (Where the Stairs from Pit take you) or you can take a right and you will be led into Bottom Storage Room.

    The Top Pit has three entrances and four exits, the entrances are,

    1. One that comes from Storage Room
    2. One that comes from Ring level 3
    3. One that comes from the mauler.

    The exits are the same except you can drop down a hole that will take you to the Pit.

    I hope you understood all that, I don't think you did but well lets move on.

    Weapon List

    Weapon- Respawn Time- Clip Ammount

    x3 BR- 20 Seconds- 2
    x2 Plasma Rifle- 60 Seconds- Max
    Magnum- 30 Seconds- 2
    Spiker- 60 Seconds- 2
    SMG- 90 Seconds- 1
    Needler- 120 Seconds- 2
    Mauler- 120 Seconds- 0
    x2 Assault Rifle- 10 Seconds- 2

    3x Plamsa Grenade- 30 Seconds
    2x Frag Grenade- 20 Seconds

    Bubble Shield- 120 Seconds
    Grav-Lift- 120 Seconds

    Supported Gametypes

    All, Though it plays best if you only play with 3 on FFA gametypes and 2-4 on Team gametypes.


    The Pit

    Ring Level Two

    Looking from Mauler to Ring Level Two


    Bottom Mauler

    Top Pit, Looking from Ring Level Three to Mauler

    Top Pit, Looking from Mauler to Ring Level Three

    Ring Level Three and Part of Top Storage

    Bottom Storage or Ring Level One

    Glowing Hallway (It doesn't look like its glowing now but when you walk through it, it glows blue.)

    Action on Ring Level Two, If you look behind the Flag Carrier that small drop down leads to the Glowing Hallway

    Thank you for taking the time to read my wall of text and looking at my screenshots, I hope you enjoy the map. I would like to thank HLG Viper for helping me with the Respawn Areas though, so Thanks.

    If you missed the Download above here it is again
    Download Mythos

    Mythos: Created by Adelyss

    Special Thanks to: RPAL for the Video, HLG Viper for help on respawn areas, and Hadokenchild, HLG Viper, and RPAL for help testing the map.​
    #1 Adelyss, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    okey whatever i ahve to say, its not gonna cause an argument hopefully lol
    dont need 2 more infractions
    ok looks like you spent alot of time on this map,
    and it was well worth the cause
    interlocking is great, nice stair geomerging, and great asthetics
    i love to useof stairs as astetic affects, and i like the weapon holder flower
  3. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice job posting the map...
    intorlocking looks smooth...
    geomerging=epic win
    weapon layout seems to fit
    looks 5/5
    playability 4/5
    layout 5/5

    Edit: man he beat me i was excited too
    #3 Boyle06, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
    Psycho likes this.
  4. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Looks beautiful, the teleporter thing with the needler makes me ROFL. If I was to suggest anything at all, I couldn't. This seriously gives a new feel to Foundry, especially the closed quarters with very different elements. My absolute favorite is the mauler hallway.
  5. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    i like ur map alot u got alot of asthetics that look like they go well with gameplay, and u did a fantastic job at interlocking. 4.3/5
  6. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, also yes Extreem haha. You might be thinking that this map has bad gameplay because of the size of the map but it actually plays very well as its multi-leveled for you don't spawn looking at someone ten feet away.

    Suggestions on improvements?
  7. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    So much I could say about this map. First though, I have a question, what song is that in the video? It is really good.

    The map has beautiful interlocking and from the video it looks like it has amazing gameplay as well. It looks like the area with the teleporter is a mad sticking area, haha, you could have so much fun in there.

    The needler spot is also very cool. I am sure that "look" of the teleporters will eventually get old, but I really like it. Great job.

    Overall you really deserve this 5/5 and good rep you are about to recieve. I will also enjoy my 450th post and new rank. Good luck to you and your forging career.

    Good job,
  8. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Thanks for the Feedback Gamer, The song is called Whispers In the Dark, and its by Skillet. I do enjoy this song even though I just heard it a few days back.

    I hope you other members looking at the post enjoy the map as much as I do.
  9. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    I have a quick question. How did you get that look with the teleporters? You can't interlock them with other teleporters because there's no place at start option, so how DID you interlock them?
  10. mavcev

    mavcev Ancient
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    this looks fairly good i like it.
    it has some excelent geomerging but i have a question
    do you think you could run infection on it succesfully?
  11. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Norbert, Receiver nodes you can put through each other so pretty much they interlock themselves.

    Mavev, Idk and I don't think it will, maybe if you make zombies really easy to kill because it has fairly small hallways and its pretty cramped. I really have no Idea though I never tested that gametype.
  12. Reflection

    Reflection Ancient
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    I definitely like the unique aesthetics, the geomerging looks superb. I'm not sure how the gameplay is, as the video wasn't too...informative. I'll download it to try it out, play a game, and get back to you.
  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    :surprise:! You posted this here? Yay! ^_^ First off, I'll say that you presented this map very well. 5/5 for your post!!11!! lawlz.... Anyways, I have to say, this was pretty fun to play. Although during the game we did, the spawns where a bit off... I think it was like that because it was 2v3. xD --Funny thing is we two won. :D

    Alright, first of all, I must say, this layout at first was kind of confusing, and I only say that because most of the time were casually chatting and I wasn't trying all that much. :p But still, It's size and layout is pretty nice. It is really nice for 2v2's. It has plenty of cool features, and original forged ideas that I'm sure you've thought up. One small thing with the layout was when we were playing flag in the defenders base there was a small little platform you could hide under and assassinate anyone who jumps down from it. Although that may prove to be a minor problem for some, it can be easily countered. Basically what I'm saying is that this map really makes you think about what you're going to do to get from point A to point B. Which I like in maps.

    The weapons on this map were pretty good. Nothing really overpowered anything, and nothing wasn't misused. One thing that I did notice though is that at times there was a number of grenades spam. But again, I think that was because the size of the other team. But if it is like that in 2v2's then you might want to lower the amount of grenades on the map, or reduce the spawn time of the current ones and remove starting grenades. IMO, I don't mind, but others will most likely.

    Overall, this map is a good one. It's not the best, but it's not the worst. It's good enough to be better than most of the ones out today, and that's good enough for a number of downloads. The thing that I think I like about the map the most is actually the name. :D Mythos is very catchy, and reminds me of something of Ancient Greece. ;)
  14. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    @ Norbert: The nodes interlock with each other naturally. They support other other objects but if you try and place one on top of another it will fall straight down.

    Anyways about the map. The interlocking and geomerging looks amazing. I can only comment on the pictures because I really don't have any space for a new map right now (stupid 100 item limit). At first the name kinda turned me off the map, mainly because of how cheesy it sounded. But I read the rest and I have to same I'm impressed with the effort you put into describing your map. And yes you did confuse me a little with the path descriptions.

    I have a question though, how did you get the walls to glow blue? Obviously with man cannons. But are they just not shown or are they interlocked so you can't see them? I did a similar thing on my map Protozoan (that's right I'm advertin' and what not) except mine are visible and could stand being hidden from view.
  15. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Vorpal, I do to like the name hah. I don't think that hinding under the quick jump up to Ring Level three will be a problem as it was only mainly used for sneaking and getting those players in territories and such.

    The grenades on the map? Your kidding me lol, there are two frags and three plasmas. The grenade spam comes from the starting grenades and the grenades from the dead body which you can only fix by turning off starting.

    Thanks for an actual reply though Vorpal.

    # Krazy, I put the man-cannon straight up against the wall on the outside so it gives off the most glow. if you have it tilted it wont glow as much and you will have to be closer to the wall to get it to glow lol.
  16. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    No problem.

    And about the grenades, if you want, I'll get on and we can play a game and see what it's like with them off on the start.

    EDIT: well, I'm getting on now anyways haha.
  17. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, mine were just pushed against the wall, it glows but only when your next to it

  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Good job, good job. I would rate 4/5 for the nice clean job you did. The map is great, well rounded, and is great for multiple gametypes.
  19. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Yeah Krazy, I have mine on the outside of the wall but the same way you have them facing now. If you watch the video in the post it shows a part where it goes out of the map and you can see the man-cannons.

    Also Thanks Frag, I tested almost all of the gametypes except Bomb, Juggernaut and Infections

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