Edit: here is the one i made for me. i made this at ninja squiirels requests link to m album to get pics: SynAcidRain - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I really like it!!! It just doesn't match... The BG looks great and the render looks great but the BG and the render doesn't... :/ Anyway the reason it's not working is cuz the BG is red in the area of the render and it should be more of a blue. Maybe put more blue around the render or something... But anyway it looks good! =)
Wow you are quite a sig maker! I agree though they do not match entirely but your current sig is pretty sick.... Nice work!
Good job, good job. One little thing, the colors really don't match. PS: ignore mai sig, it's screwed up for some reason.
The thing in the top left looks too square. Make it look more integrated. And also that light blue clashes SO bad with the background. Use the photoshop hue changing function (if you use PS) to change the color of that guy (isn't he from Devil May Cry 4?) to red plz.
i didnt expect so many comments (so fast) for a sig i made in 30 minbut will do the changes but the tezt will be dif becuz it will be for me