This cannot be done easily, I've looked into it with XForgery. In order to achieve what you are suggesting would mean that ForgeHub would need to purchase another license of vBulletin ($180) not to mention all of the database changes and other stuff that would have to go along with it. You have to purchase another license because the terms say that you can have multiple domains using the same boards, the same database, under the same license, but if you were to run two different sites on the same license then you've violated a term of agreement and can get both sites...nuked.
It will live on,undoughtobly branch into other games,but FH won't/can't die, is propostrois ( dont know how to spell it) you even suggested it.
ForgeHub is like a gold mine. Once it has been mined of all possible gold, we will move on to find more gold...
It's not going to change, as long as forging is still popular, FH will still be here. Dun wurry its gon b k.
^ haha say that with a lisp lol I dont know what will become of FH we will have to wait and see lol I think its going to turn into an avatar fan site
It will die very soon lets put it this way imagine if it was halo 2... halo 2 died pretty much and so will halo3 (pretty much) and changing the game i dont think will lest FarCry already has FarCryCreations and many more i am sure and i think it will perish... just like everything will... sure its great HOOORAAAHHH but i will leave when i leave halo 4 i will need no more halo maps and halo talks and i will play something new.... just like most other members tho i might Visit back from time to time... dont get me wrong i LUVVZ FH lol... x_o soory FH UR GOING DOWWNNNZZZ
because of halos success of forge, im sure many games will copy/make it better, including the new halo expansion. so it may become a forum for any game with a "FORGE" mode i guess you could say.
I'd like to see this as a future possibility. Bringing the gaming community closer together through an epic site like so would help us dominate Bungie's plan of World Domination Alex, you're such a loser. ;D
People wont want to let go, but be realistic - this site was formed around Halo 3's FORGE. Thats right, one little part of halo. When halo 3 is done, people wont post maps anymore, people will slowly stop coming, and eventually, it will be abandoned. It isnt in the forseeable future. This is probably in like 4 years. But it will happen, and you have to be ignorant to believe it wont. There will be a group of like 50 members who were here since the beginning or who are very loyal that might stay, but really, i cant see this site being active in 10 years. edit: lemme clarify - If this site isnt modified HEAVILY to not revolve around forge/halo, then this site will probably die. But if it is modified when Halo 3 dies and bungie makes a new halo game or a new game altogether, maybe it can survive. But really, the only way is if it becomes a gaming community and not a halo 3 mapmaking community.