Well, I think Ogre 1 is amazing at sniping, but Ogre 2 is good with the BR. I like sniping best so I'll go with Ogre 1.
Orge 1 has always been considered the better Slayer but Orge 2 is meant to be a better team player. Orge 2 has always been more consistent and has been the guy who pulls off the crazy stuff like his 44-0 on KOTH lockout.
Im pretty sure you have them mixed up, Og1s more consistent and went 44-0 on lockout, and Og2 is more of the 'slayer'
yeah stef, you did muddle that up... I personally think that I No Quarter I is correct, they are indeed one person. The ability to split in the womb is a most fascinating trait of the pair. But Ogre 2 got more egg so he is more of a beast (or was).