FAILURE V6 - click on first link for V6, second one is V3 ATTENTION, I HAVE MADE A V6. I WILL PLACE THE LINK HERE - : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing FOR V3, CLICK THE LINK BELOW Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing - Failure V3 Description: This is a labratory that conducts various tests on humans, and foriegn materials. One day, they come across a person infected with an unkown virus. They begin to try to cure this alien virus. The subject reacts horribley to the serum and becomes corrupted. The subject breaks loose and begins to hunt the scientests down. The scientests must travel through the tunnels, open the lab door by activating the switch, and remain in the labratory untill the subjects eventually overpower the lone scientests. If the scientists survive longer then 3 minutes, a secret door behind a barrier opens up leading to a secret room with a little bit more firepower to hold off the seemly endless horde of infecties. This map is an enclosed, somewhat interlocked, features the pressurized door ( opening and closing door), and a semi pressurized door ( this one only opens). Pictures: Scientist's spawn This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 116KB. Subject's spawn This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 100KB. Break out!, then fall into the sewers/shafts and make it to the test room (scientist's spawn) This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 94KB. Activate switch to open door that leads into the labratory This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 35KB. Labratory, with a little bit of weapons to survive off of This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 110KB. Secret door behind the barrier This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 110KB. Secret room opens up after 3 minutes This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1024x768 and weights 134KB.
Hey this looks like a very fun infection map. I know where I would hide if I was playing hehe I wont tell you lol. The switches look nice to, good interlocking to nIce Job
This looks like a really good infection map, its nice to see a story behind the map every once in a while. The whole concept really reminds me of DOOM. 4.5/5
this is either a double post to get more dls or you stole this map because i saw this map posted about a month or 2 ago and i dl it but i deleted it so two things to say 1. dont ever double post 2. dont ever steal other peoples maps it not cool man so what ever one you did (1 or 2 or both) dont do it again thank you
I don't know if you realise or if you've done anything to prevent it. But if the zombie was a good enough jumper, then he/she could quite easily get through those window panels. (I know I could) A good way to stop this would be to either merge mabey a door or something in with the top of the window panels or make the zombies gravity high. If outside the window paneled area is open, then i would enclose it if you dont do either of these things, because if it's open, then the zombie would be able to go for a stroll out of the actually map. Just some advise for if you wanted to make a version 4. =] But apart from that, it looks good. 3/5
Wow! good job, and well done on the interlocking. I downloaded and played with a medium party and it was hectic! People got confused and scared for unknown reasons
I like the story, for some reason it remind me of I am Legend, the movie. The part at the very end when they hide in that little room in the lab. I will have to give this a closer look. 5/5.
ive seen this map before and i reconized the name. im not sure if this is a V3 or if its the same. it looks the same though. if its a new version then tell people. if you stole or double posted as freakypenguin5 said thats a No-No
Oh, I double posted. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to do so. Sorry. Btw. I'll get on that v4 thing you were talking about.
Please do not accuse of someone stealing a map unless you have proof that he stole the map. For example post a link to the original map that is accused of being stolen. I would never say a map is stolen without physical proof of the original map. Back on topic... The map looks very well made and I don't see any big problems. All of the interlocking that you did looks well done and clean. I really like how you included a switch in a map, With that switch you put it above the rest of the infection maps in my opinion. Nice job on the map.