Repulsion Repulsion was created by me (Stealthyhawk14). Repulsion is a large map created at foundry. It is best for around 2-12 players. Repulsion consist of two sides, the attackers(Right) and the deffenders(Left). Both sides are different but even. The Attackers get a Sniper Rifle and the Deffenders get a Shotgun. On the Attackers Side there is a ghost and on the Deffenders side there is a turret aiming at the very middle where both sides join. Supported game types - All Recommended players - 2-12 Weapons- 1 Shotgun (120 sec respawn) 1 Sniper (120 sec respawn) 4 Battle Rifles 2 Assault Rifles 2 SMGs 2 Spikers 1 Needler (60 sec respawn) 1 Brute Shot (60 sec respawn) 2 Carbines Equipment- 4 Frag Gernades 4 Plasma Gernades 1 Bubble Sheild 1 Power Drain 1 Oversheild (90 sec respawn) Download: Pictures Attacker Side Deffender Side Other Pics
insae edit your lastpost though instead of re posting this map lokos great, many astetic youches, such as the bridge box thingy and the stairs good interlocking and geomerging take out the turrets and whats the point of the pallets on the os box?
im not gonna say dont repost (cuz a lot of people will) but i will say this it looks like a good map i love the flower. excelent geomerging and interlocking one question though... you said all gametypes but would infection work good on this?
great design. i love the interlocking its just flawless. though i've seen the stairs idea you have made before i still love how you put that in this map. 1 thing i would change is the overshield respawn. i think 90 is way to low for a semi-small map like this but i enjoy the rest and hope to play it with some friends in a big game sometime
This looks good I like the way you used bridges to your advantage throughout the map. The only problem is it looks kind of hard to move from one level to the next just in certain areas. Other areas you did good in because they way you geomerged boxes. other than that good job
I don't like the fact that the flags are too close together. There is only a wall to separate the flags. Put the flags further apart from each other.
the geomerging is definately a plus, and the interlocking is well done, but the map doesnt have anything that really makes me want to download it.
Very well made if I may say so. I would suggest moving each flag to the back wall, then open up a part of the wall. It looks too linear at the moment. Nice job.
Very nice map. But I'm kinda confused... Becuase I see amazing interlocking but I don't see any geomerging, isn't that when you merge with the ground or wall???
no, pretty sure they r the opposite as far as i no..geo merging is when u merge objects together and interlocking is when u put them into the wall or ground
nice interlocking geomerging is good turret is out of place nice job on the "suprise box" lol w/ the bridges 4/5
Aesthetics are very nice, however it is not good to have a wall seperating two bases. I would suggest making it more open in the middle and taking down the wall. Other than that, it looks great!