Wow this is great! I love the light going through the spartan! The explosion looks great and the pose is nice too! Good job!
Lighting is great and the 'spikes' look awesome, how they go through the Spartan. Very nice screenshot.
Wow pretty sweet. He looks like he is going through light speed or something, nice effect and picture. EDIT: Oh wow lucky find being luck.
the brightness is WAY TOO bright. You can't really see anything. I suggest backing out from the explosion a little more. 4/5
Eh i wanted it to be bright so you could see the spartan just a little at first glance, but after you look at it you can see the hole thing.
That is really cool I must say. I love the color blend of lime and orange. I like it so much, I might just change my emblem color to those colors.
That is an amazing shot. The colors are nice and the pose is good. I love the light that looks like it is coming out of the spartan, great job with that.
this one's set apart by the light rays coming out of him. Still mabey if you took it from a different angle or further back it would look better. Its just a little bit too bright. 7/10